
Вспомогательные детали к электроэрозионным станкам, Зажимные устройства, Делительные головки, Правильные инструменты, Машинные тиски, Магнитные патроны, Установка заготовок и инструментов на спутниках
Сотрудники : |
160 |
Год основания : |
1985 |
Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
 Activities of Walker Hagou Magnetics are acquired by SAV
Activities of Walker Hagou Magnetics are acquired by SAV
The activities of the company Walker Hagou Magnetics BV from Bladel, The Netherlands, have per the 4th of March been completely acquired by the German company SAV Spann-Automations-Normteiletechnik GmbH from Nuremberg.
The activities of the company Walker Hagou Magnetics BV from Bladel, The Netherlands, have per the 4th of March been completely acquired by the German company SAV Spann-Automations-Normteiletechnik GmbH from Nuremberg. The activities of Walker Hagou Magnetics BV are continued under the name SAV Walker Hagou.
Thanks to this acquisition and the continuation with a substantial part of the former staff, SAV has secured the available knowledge and experience and at the same time her market position in magnetic workholding and standard products is further extended and strengthened. This acquisition also leads to the existing product group Heavy Lifting being added to the product program of SAV. For many years, Walker Hagou Magnetics was a sub supplier to SAV for standard magnetic products and a co-operation was already discussed several times. The new company SAV Walker Hagou is now a full daughter of the SAV Group and thereby has a new and strong foundation with which we are confident for the future.
The activities of the existing SAV Workholding and Automation from Oud-Beijerland, The Netherlands, will be swiftly integrated in the new organization of SAV Walker Hagou. This leads to a wide and versatile product program and is not only limited to magnetic workholding and lifting. Also hydraulic, mechanic and vacuum workholding products as well as the automation/handling systems of SAV are now part of the supply program with immediate effect.
The German SAV Spann-Automations-Normteiletechnik GmbH, with headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany is a strong company that focuses on workholding technology in the widest sense for more than 25 years. Due to continuous innovation and strategic worldwide expansion, SAV has developed itself to a successful and reliable partner in the market. With offices in Germany, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland, North-America and distributors in the most important industrial countries, SAV is represented worldwide.
As from Monday the 7th of March the new SAV Walker Hagou is back on solid ground and ready to serve her customers with new energy.
The management
SAV Walker Hagou Industrieweg 9 5531 AD Bladel The Netherlands
SAV является производителем и поставщиком станков аксессуары и автоматизации с сильным акцентом по качеству, точности и контроля за расходами Философия SAV обеспечивает: зажимной решения, а не просто инструмент Производство партнера, а затем просто инструментом поставщика Специальный зажимной Решения SAV особенно сильна в разработке и производстве специальной зажимной решения, адаптированные к специфическим требованиям. Это может быть магнитные, гидравлические, пневматические (вакуума) или механическое решение, или их комбинацию. Дополнительные примеры см. Приложения. Пожалуйста, укажите вашу заявку и мы будем готовить подробные предложения.
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