
# Соковыжималки
# Машины для производства лейкопластырей |
Год основания : |
1911 |
Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
Klöckner Hänsel Processing GmbH поставок машин и комплектных систем для кондитерской промышленности. Мы предлагаем практически весь спектр необходимых для производства кондитерских изделий, начиная от отдельных машин до комплектных технологических линий.
Мы предлагаем Вам консультации экспертов на основе многолетнего опыта в кондитерском производстве, а также постоянных интенсивных исследований и разработок. Давайте будут сопровождать вас от концепции до ввода в эксплуатацию вашего специально завода. Познакомьтесь с нашей компетенции, используя наши конфеты Lab.
Для Ваших пожеланий и ответов на ваши вопросы глобальной сети наших собственных продаж и обслуживания подразделений и учреждений в Вашем распоряжении. Просто свяжитесь с нами.
| Quality Bar – Candy bars, torrone and more Confectionery producers throughout the world already for years value the strong plant competence of Klöckner Hänsel in the candy bar kitchen area. A proof for this are our excellent individual machines and line concepts, working reliably world-wide, allowing our customers an efficient production of high quality candy bar inlays of the most different kinds, on caramel, torrone or nougat basis, as well as of binding agents for granola bars.
Every plant is designed according to individual customer requirements and is composed of items of a vast delivery program. Our research and development engineers develop customer-specific plant concepts in order to ensure the economic success in the scope of the agreed range of services.
Klöckner Hänsel offers plants for the batchwise, semi-continuous or continuous production of aerated – also milky – candy bar masses on foam or granola basis, halwa, torrone or Nougat à la Montelimar.
Whatever the bar and torrone products our customers require: they can rely on receiving a high-quality and rational production solution.
| Quality Candy – Candies and more Klöckner Hänsel´s machines and installations have the most advanced available technology. They are successfully used world-wide in order to enable our customers to produce high quality candies in an efficient way.
Our installations can be configured from an extensive product range, in order to fulfil almost all the production requirements of our customers. In cases where a relevant installation concept is unavailable, our engineers in the CandyLab develop customer-specific solutions.
Klöckner Hänsel´s tailor-made installations allow the production of unfilled, centre-filled, aerated, laminated and sugar-free candies, as well as medicated ones. Deposited candies and further specialties are also possible, e.g. milky candies or toffees.
Whatever the wold-wide candy market requires: we can offer a reliable and high quality solution to you.
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