
Van Aarsen International – специалист в сфере переработки шин и древесины. На сегодняшний день благодаря 60-летнему опыту и непосредственному участию в технологическом процессе мы являемся ведущим поставщиком современных, полностью интегрированных и готовых к использованию решений для производства высококачественных резиновых гранул и порошков из шин, а также древесных гранул. |
Год основания : |
1949 |
Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
 Next Generation Recycling
Next Generation Recycling
New opportunities in the integral project approach for tyre recycling delivered by Van Aarsen Rubber Technology
New opportunities in the integral project approach for tyre recycling delivered by Van Aarsen Rubber Technology
Van Aarsen, a world-leading turnkey project supplier introduces “Next Generation” tyre recycling systems for the production of tyre derived value added rubber powders and granules.
Van Aarsen became involved in Tyre Recycling during the early eighties when a former employee took the first steps in tyre recycling. When leaving the diversification strategy in the late eighties their roads split. Re-entering the tyre recycling market is consistent with Van Aarsen’s strategy to provide custom made solutions from concept to completion. At the beginning of 2004, Van Aarsen acquired Konings Rubber Technology B.V.; a world-leading turnkey project supplier for the tyre recycling industry. The acquisition of Konings Rubber Technology B.V., with its impressive reference list, formed the starting point of the development of Tyre Recycling Systems of the Future.
Its Van Aarsen’s philosophy to apply exclusively designed machines and systems for the complicated process of recycling of tyres. An innovation programme called “Next Generation” recycling systems is in its round up testing and implementation phase. The progress made in quality output, efficiency, flexibility, maintenance and durability show great promise for future tyre recycling professionals.
Van Aarsen now offers turnkey systems of unparalleled performance, and individual machines that can be easily integrated into existing multi-machine processing lines.
History  Van Aarsen International, a global leading company in feed milling technology, with nearly 60 years of experience in process technology and turnkey-solutions, acquired (Konings) Rubber Technology at the end of 2003.
Van Aarsen Rubber Technology Due to this acquisition Van Aarsen Rubber Technology has over 20 years experience and expertise in tyre recycling solutions worldwide. Together with the knowledge, the experience and the professional approach of the parent company van Aarsen Rubber Technology offers fully integrated turnkey projects for the production of high quality tyre derived rubber-granulates and powders.
Complete Tyre recycling systems Design and construction of turnkey tyre recycling systems but also optimisation and modernisation or extension of existing installations. Van Aarsen Rubber Technology has the engineering and project management capabilities in house to carry out feasibility studies and to design and construct tyre-recycling projects worldwide.
Advanced tyre recycling equipment Shredding, grinding granulating and pulverizing, ambient as well as cryogenic, for truck- or car-tyres. Van Aarsen Rubber Technology equipment can be easily integrated into existing multi machine lines. Our systems are designed and constructed to give you the ability to produce at the lowest costs, environment-friendly with the highest possible quality for the end-product.
Service Help-desk, maintenance and service contracting, installation of equipment and construction of your plan and supply of spare and wearing parts. Through Van Aarsen’s wide-spread international network you can call for all kinds of assistance at all times.
Contact If you want to find out more about Van Aarsen´s activities visit our website at www.aarsen.com. You can contact us on any of the following e-mail addresses depending on the matter:
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Pellet Mill Wood - GB
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