
Машины для обработки яиц,
Машины для пищевой промышленности,
Машины для упаковки яиц,
Устойства для покраски яиц,
Устойтсва для очистки яиц от скорлупы,
Яйцеварки. |
Год основания : |
1963 |
Вид деятельности : |
Manufacturer |
На протяжении более 40 лет, SANOVO ENGINEERING A / S была посвященная партнером и поставщиком для промышленности во всем мире обработки яиц. Будучи пионером в области промышленности, наши ноу-хау, оборудование и услуги помогли нашим клиентам улучшить качество яичной продукции для потребителей.
Давнего советника промышленности продукт яйцо, SANOVO ENGINEERING A / S разработала и поставила под ключ "установки для большинства яйцо процессоров в мире.
И все большее число компаний получают выгоду из нашего опыта. SANOVO ENGINEERING A / S постоянно участвует в проектах, охватывающих все аспекты решения для производства продовольствия и переработки яйца. Итак, если вы заинтересованы в обновлении существующего завода, необходимо заменить старое оборудование, или получить более подробную информацию о заводах "под ключ", автоматизация процессов, запасных частей и техническое обслуживание помощи, то мы здесь, чтобы помочь вам.
В свою сеть продаж и обслуживания по всему миру, SANOVO ENGINEERING A / S всегда под рукой.
Воспользуйтесь нашей домашней страницы и лучше познакомиться с нами и что мы можем сделать для вашего бизнеса. И вы, конечно, всегда можете поднять трубку телефона.
| Farmpacker 102 STAALKAT Farmpackers, all constructed in stainless steel, are perfectly attuned to the needs of the egg-laying farms.
The STAALKAT Farmpackers with their wide choice of lay-outs distinguish their self by their:
Compact construction
Ease of operation
Wide capacity range
Low energy and maintenance costs
All these features resulting in the lowest possible costs per packed egg!
The STAALKAT Farmpacker type 102S, represent the unequalled STAALKAT INTERNATIONAL quality.
| SANOVO Pasteurisers SANOVO Pasteurisers are specially designed for the egg processing industry and are available with either plate or tubular heat exchangers. A gentle handling and accurate temperature control are two of the key elements that have been optimised in the pasteuriser to ensure efficient pasteurisation fo high quality eggs.
There are two proven models of SANOVO Pasteurisers with a capacity range of 600 – 6,000 l/h. Both models meet all standard regulations and specifications according to CEE by using a regenerating unit with an external water cycle for heat transfer:
SANOMIDI: A cost-effective solution for semi-automatic operation. The temperature regulation and the diversion valves are controlled automatically. Other valves are operated manually, e.g. the washing cycle.
SANOMAXI: A fully automatic system where all regulations and valves are controlled by specially designed SANOVO software. If required, the system can be equipped with the computer based SCADA system (Supervision Control & Data Acquisition).
| SANOVO Tray washer New efficient, compact and labour saving design
The SANOVO STW 6500 Egg Tray Washer represents a new generation of egg tray washers from SANOVO ENGINEERING and combines high output with top-class washing performance, at a low cost.
Food safety and hygiene have been in focus during the development of the SANOVO Egg Tray Washer, and in terms of washing, drying, and sanitation performance it is not surpassed by any other machine. In SANOVO ENGINEERING we think that simple and intelligent design is beautiful, and this is exactly how we designed the STW 6500. This also means ease of access for service and maintenance.
The STW 6500 is the foundation in SANOVO ENGINEERING’s tray washing programme with a washing and drying capacity of 6,500 trays/h. For higher capacities a second STW 6500 is simply added to the line, providing the plant with a very high flexibility in the washing line.
| SANOVO UF plants The SANOVO Ultra Filtration System is designed to handle concentrations of albumen prior to drying. The dryness will be increased from 10-12 % to as much as 20-24 % on albumen, thereby reducing e the load on the dryer by half compared to directly feeding albumen into the dryer. The total energy consumption on the dryer is reduced significantly and/or the total plant capacity increased.
To ensure that the albumen is handled as gently as possible, great care has been taken in deciding on the size of the piping, the spiral element, and choice of pump. Salts, sugars, organic acids and small peptides are allowed to flow, while proteins, fats and polysaccharides are not. The UF plant consists of two UF loops with a circulation of albumen at a high flow rate.
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