
Dorința de a crește utilizarea lemnului este motivul principal pentru existența Valutec. |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1945 |
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Manufacturer |
 Valutec Provides Kilns to Russian “Mega Sawmill”
Valutec Provides Kilns to Russian “Mega Sawmill”
Russian-based ULK Group, one of the biggest sawmills in the country, is investing more than 400 million euro in one of their largest mills with the aim to modernize and grow the “mega sawmill” even further.
Russian-based ULK Group, one of the biggest sawmills in the country, is investing more than 400 million euro in one of their largest mills with the aim to modernize and grow the “mega sawmill” even further. The goal is to have the sawmill’s capacity reach more than 1 million cubic meters (425,000 MBF) of sawn timber and 600,000 t pellets annually per year. If all goes according to plan, this will happen by 2013.
Furthermore, in the biggest deal in company history, Valutec is delivering eight continuous kilns to ULK, drastically improving output and efficiency. According to company spokespeople, it was the capacity, optimum quality, and overall flexibility of the Valutec TC kilns that made them an easy choice.
”Few get the chance to take part in the construction of a brand new sawmill,” said Timo Kanerva of Valutec, “and we are honoured that they chose us.”
In the interest of improving safety and logistics, ULK will use a closed traverse system to move timber packages rather than forklifts. The company feels that relying on these proven systems will be much smarter than attempting to put such a huge demand on prototypes. Among their many features, the TC kilns are equipped with Valutec's Valmatics 4 control system. This includes an integrated simulator that dramatically increases output and energy efficiency.
 New manager in Russian office for Valutec
New manager in Russian office for Valutec
In terms of Kanerva’s history, his most recent role was as Finnish TKM TTT’s President specialising in the wood and paper industry. In this role, Kanerva was in charge of repairing the company after being hit hard by the global crisis back in 2008.
In terms of Kanerva’s history, his most recent role was as Finnish TKM TTT’s President specialising in the wood and paper industry. In this role, Kanerva was in charge of repairing the company after being hit hard by the global crisis back in 2008. In this new position, it is believed that his earnings will increase dramatically. Previously, he has had the following roles;
President of Finnforest Sales Director of Versowood Sales Director of Ruukki Wood Business Area Manager of WSAB (bought by Valutec in 2009)
Company Profile - Originally a Swedish company, Valutec Group AB has many subsidiaries including Valutec Oy in Finland as well as Valutec AB in Stockholm and Skelleftea. When it comes to the Swedish and Finnish region, the company currently has one of the most expansive product ranges for timber drying and is also the leader of the continuous kiln segment in not only this region but the world. After launching various continuous kilns called ‘TC’ kilns, the company has gone from strength to strength. Now, their efficient and high-quality products are desired by many customers all around the world.
 New Drying Kiln for Kurekss in Latvia
New Drying Kiln for Kurekss in Latvia
At their production site in Latvia, Kurekss has now invested in a TC continuous kiln after placing an order with Valutec.
At their production site in Latvia, Kurekss has now invested in a TC continuous kiln after placing an order with Valutec. Made from stainless steel, the product offers six different zones and around 50,000 cubic metres in capacity. With the equipment being delivered towards the end of summer and into autumn, the company are expecting it to be operational as 2017 comes to a close.
Moving forward, Kurekss will be using the kiln to dry 19mm-25mm planks. Additionally, Valutec will be providing pressure frames, a heat recovery system, and the main control system.
 Kurekss first in the Baltic region with TC continuous kiln
Kurekss first in the Baltic region with TC continuous kiln
The Latvian sawmill Kurekss has invested in a TC continuous kiln from Valutec. This will be the first continuous kiln of this model to be built in the Baltic countries.
The Latvian sawmill Kurekss has invested in a TC continuous kiln from Valutec. This will be the first continuous kiln of this model to be built in the Baltic countries.
“Kurekss has clear ideas for how they want to develop their business. At the same time, they are open to innovative thinking, and when we presented the TC continuous kiln, they quickly realised that it was ideally suited to meet their specific needs,” comments Stefan Sundqvist, Export Sales Manager at Valutec.
Kurrekss is a privately-owned sawmill in western Latvia that was founded in 1995. A large part of the company’s production is customer-specific and in various dimensions, which means flexible drying options are an obvious requirement.
“A classic continuous kiln was not the optimal choice, as they are most efficient for sawmills that dry large volumes in similar dimensions. The TC continuous kiln is an option that gives sawmills a high capacity while also allowing the running of packets of different dimensions,” says Stefan.
TC is the abbreviation of the Swedish for “cross circulation”. The principle is based on the lumber package being fed lengthways through zones in which the air circulates laterally across the drying channel. This enables the separate regulation of the climate in different zones according to a schedule that comes very close to the ideal schedule of a batch kiln. The kiln model is part of the latest generation of continuous kilns from Valutec. They have rapidly become popular in both Sweden and Central Europe.
Kurekss will mainly use the kiln to dry planks of between 19 millimetres and 25 millimetres. The kiln, which is made from stainless steel, will have six zones and a capacity of over 50,000 cubic metres for mixed dimensions. The delivery also includes a heat recovery system, pressure frames and the Valmatics control system. The equipment will be delivered over the course of the autumn and will be operational towards the end of the year.
Dorința de a crește utilizarea lemnului este motivul principal pentru existența Valutec. De aproape 100 de ani, combinăm experiența scandinavă în domeniul uscării lemnului cu înțelegerea provocărilor cu care se confruntă clienții noștri. Toate acestea au fost realizate cu scopul de a împinge limitele a ceea ce este posibil, atât în ceea ce privește cuptoarele de uscare a lemnului cu valoare ridicată, cât și sistemele inteligente de control.
Grupul Valutec AB, cu sediul în Skellefteå, Suedia, este o grupare corporativă suedeză deținută privat, având în componență în totalitate Valutec AB în Skellefteå, Suedia, Valutec Oy în Riihimäki, Finlanda, Valutec LLC în Sankt Petersburg, Rusia și Valutec Wood Drying Inc. în Vancouver, Canada.
În total, Grupul dispune de cea mai largă gamă de produse de pe piață, bazată pe experiența suedeză și finlandeză în uscarea lemnului, iar cu peste 4.000 de cuptoare de uscare a lemnului livrate, suntem lideri de piață în Europa.
Valutec colaborează cu parteneri calificați și furnizori specializați de echipamente atât în Suedia, cât și în Finlanda. Grupul Valutec AB este unul dintre principalii furnizori de cuptoare de uscare a lemnului în regiunea nordică și Europa, având vânzări de aproximativ 250 de milioane de SEK pe an.
VALUTEC product presentation
| Batch kilns Cuptoarele de loturi, în care climatul este reglat pentru întregul lot pe durata uscării, au fost întotdeauna alegerea naturală pentru uscarea lemnului masiv mai mare și atunci când există cerințe ridicate privind calitatea uscării. Chiar dacă cuptoarele de loturi se confruntă cu o concurență mai puternică din partea noii generații de cuptoare progresive, există zone în care procesul de producție și cerințele privind calitatea produsului final fac din cuptoarele de loturi cea mai bună opțiune. |
| Heat treatment
Tratament termic
Facilitățile Valutec pentru tratament termic se bazează pe metoda ThermoWood®, lider de piață. ThermoWood® poate fi considerat practic un nou tip de lemn, deoarece tratamentul conferă lemnului caracteristici complet noi. Acesta este, de asemenea, motivul interesului crescut pe piață pentru utilizarea sa ca alternativă la lemnul tropical și lemnul tratat sub presiune.
| Progressive kilns Principiul de bază al cuptoarelor progresive este de a transporta căldura și umiditatea prin lemn cu ajutorul aerului care circulă cu ajutorul ventilatoarelor. Climatul fiecărui pachet de lemn se schimbă pe măsură ce trece prin cuptor. În alegerea cuptoarelor potrivite pentru lemn, o regulă empirică spune că cuptoarele progresive sunt cele mai potrivite pentru uscarea scândurilor, iar cuptoarele de loturi sunt mai bune pentru plăci mai mari. Odată cu îmbunătățirea metodelor și introducerea inovațiilor, acest lucru nu mai este în întregime adevărat. Noua generație de cuptoare progresive combină capacitatea lor mare și economia de funcționare cu o calitate a uscării comparabilă cu cea a cuptoarelor de loturi. | |
Batch klins
Click on the Photo of Batch klins above to view this Catalog