
Compania administrată de proprietar, Hirz-Krämer GmbH, situată în Bad König, lângă Darmstadt, este specializată în reparații, întreținere, modernizare și retrofitare a mașinilor de rectificat fără centru. |
angajaţi : |
30+ |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1994 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
 innovation, Competence, Precision, Quality and Reliability.
innovation, Competence, Precision, Quality and Reliability.
These are the characteristics with which we achieve a higher productivity and optimisation of your products.
These are the characteristics with which we achieve a higher productivity and optimisation of your products. We offer professional modernisations for your centerless grinding machines regardless whether these are your own or provided by us. In order to compensate production downtimes, we also rent machines, if required. Mainly, modernisations are performed in the following sectors:
Modernisation of infeed and compensation units as NC-axes with new mechanical drive components Fitting of new guide tracks in order to achieve a higher feed precision Retrofitting grinding and regulating wheel truing devices to CNC dressers Automatic dressing programme with grinding wheel compensation Constant surface speed of the grinding wheel Automatic balancing of the grinding wheel Infinitely variable regulating wheel speed Thrufeed and infeed grinding possible on one machine Opportunity of new control cabinets with new components. The re-design of operator panel, new machine wiring The deployment of Siemens control systems 810 D, 840 D for 8 to 10 axes New 2-component industrial painting Machine secundary and safety guarding The integration of new loading and feed systems (from other manufacturers) for thrufeed and infeed grinding machines
After the modernisation, regardless of the machine’s age, it is warranted that the machines accord to the statutory regulations such as the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulation, the Machine directives, the Low Voltage Directive, and the EMC Directive.
The Macedonian-German economic cooperation in 2011 was more than successful. The trade exchange reached EUR 1,34b, of which EUR 870,48 was Macedonia's export to and EUR 474,44 import from Germany, the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce said Monday in a press release.
Germany is traditionally one of the top trade partners of Macedonia, German Chamber CEO Michael Schmidt says.
Last year saw substantial investments in the car industry, bolstering of the cooperation in the textile manufacturing - attractive goods for the German market, Schmidt says.
This year fresh German investments are coming to Macedonia, which in the near future should result in opening new jobs and boosting the country's export, Schmidt says.
Compania administrată de proprietar, Hirz-Krämer GmbH, situată în Bad König, lângă Darmstadt, este specializată în reparații, întreținere, modernizare și retrofitare a mașinilor de rectificat fără centru.
Clienții noștri sunt corporații globale și companii mici din domeniile ingineriei mecanice, fabricației de unelte, industriei aeronautice și a industriei auto. În mulți ani de experiență la nivel mondial, am dobândit cunoștințe valoroase în tratarea unei varietăți largi de mașini, pentru a vă putea oferi cel mai bun serviciu posibil.
| Grinding machines Universale masini de rectificat | |