Tocătoare de lemn de calitate, cu o muscatura! |
angajaţi : |
101-250 |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1970 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
Curtains up for UNTHA's latest innovation
Curtains up for UNTHA's latest innovation
The RS150 is UNTHA's largest 4-shaft shredder and was developed for extreme applications requiring not only a high throughput and availability but also low operating costs.
The RS150 is UNTHA's largest 4-shaft shredder and was developed for extreme applications requiring not only a high throughput and availability but also low operating costs.
Our newly developed UNTHA Torque Drive forms the highlight of this unique innovation. The dynamic and energy-saving drive concept ensures that the cutting shafts are stopped immediately when foreign materials enter the system to prevent damage of the cutting tools. Additionally, this drive makes frequent reversing possible, which is especially important when shredding problematic materials. Owing to the possibility of varying the speed of rotation of the cutting shafts, the throughput can always be adapted to the material to be shredded. In contrast to high-speed systems (asynchronous motors) this drive works without wear parts such as couplings, belts, shear bolts or fly wheels, reducing its susceptibility to failures to a minimum.
High availability and efficiency, low energy consumption and simple maintenance turn the RS150 into an intelligent power pack for exceptional requirements.
The RS150 series will make its début at the 1st UNTHA Recycling Days, taking place in Kuchl, close to Salzburg, from May 25th to 26th. Here, interested visitors can watch live demonstrations and convince themselves of the machine's numerous quality features.
UNTHA deal signifies shredding expansion in Japan
UNTHA deal signifies shredding expansion in Japan
UNTHA’s expansion in Asia looks set to continue, following the agreement of a new distribution partnership with Yokohama-headquartered engineering firm Sun Earth.
UNTHA’s expansion in Asia looks set to continue, following the agreement of a new distribution partnership with Yokohama-headquartered engineering firm Sun Earth.
The deal will see UNTHA’s Austrian manufactured shredding technology supplied to a number of sophisticated waste and alternative fuel production facilities throughout Japan.
Sun Earth is no stranger to the shredding sector – in fact the $40m turnover company is the leading technology provider in the country’s waste management industry. But a growing number of requests for a shredding system that can tackle complex production waste, pulper ropes as well as single-step Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) manufacturing, represented a gap in Sun Earth’s machinery portfolio.
Talks with UNTHA therefore began in the spring of 2017. “We want to offer our customers the most advanced waste technologies in the world,” commented Yutaka Ebihara, Sun Earth CEO. “We are constantly on the lookout for innovative yet proven equipment and already have established relationships with other processing and sorting machinery manufacturers in Europe. “But the world of shredding is becoming increasingly difficult. We therefore needed to source a machine with a tough yet economical cutting system that can withstand the pressures of demanding waste applications and still achieve high performance.”
Sun Earth began speaking to UNTHA’s Asian Pacific waste specialist Andreas Senkbeil, just before Tokyo’s biggest environmental event – N-Expo – in May. Colleagues from Austria have since visited the team in Japan, and vice versa.
Peter Streinik, head of UNTHA’s waste shredding division elaborated: “We’ve welcomed members of the technical team to our Salzburg HQ so they can see for themselves how serious we are about shredding. They’ve toured our innovation centre, seen our shredders being built and met various members of the team. Yutaka brought 15 key customers on a similar tour and we’ve since hosted our guests on a number of client sites, before delivering sales and technical training to the engineers. “This is the start of a very exciting relationship which will further cement our presence in Eastern parts of the world.”
Sun Earth has already placed an order for an UNTHA XR3000C shredder scheduled for shipment in early 2018.
Tocătoare de lemn de calitate, cu o muscatura!
Tehnologia mărunțirii UNTHA oferă tocătoare de individuale si economice din lemn pentru orice aplicatie in ateliere de tamplarie si dulgherie din, fabricile de cherestea și industria de prelucrare a lemnului.
Brandul UNTHA
Bine ați venit în lumea tehnologiei mărunțirii de încredere!
Deoarece compania a fost infiintata in anul 1970, UNTHA a îndeplini promisiunea de a fi "de încredere de brand", ceea ce înseamnă că facem tot ce putem pentru a fi mai fiabile decât alți furnizori. Acest lucru se aplică tuturor produselor și serviciilor UNTHA. Pentru clienții noștri, acest lucru înseamnă că alegerea unui sistem UNTHA a fost cea mai bună decizie le-ar putea face.
UNTHA shredding technology specializes in the development and manufacture of shredders for a wide range of applications.View our presentation
| Concasor lemn LR520 Compact și fiabil. Tocător de lemn LR520 este un tocător cu un singur ax special conceput pentru tamplarie si firme de prelucrare a lemnului, cu un volum de deșeuri de lemn mai mic de 3 m³ pe săptămână. |
| Concasor lemn RS30-RS40 O tradiție de fiabilitate. Cele mai fiabile si robuste RS30 si lemn RS40 Tocătoare sunt adesea folosite pentru prelucrarea pieselor din lemn masiv lungi si au un palmares dovedit de zeci de ani. |
| Seria TR Seria TR a fost special dezvoltata pentru a face față cu surse alternative de energie și secundare. Creșterea diametrul rotorului de 1100 mm, arată că UNTHA este de a lua secundar-mărunțirea la un alt nivel. |
| Seria XR Seria XR este in prezent cel mai greu în gama noastră tocătoare cu un singur ax; mașinile sunt disponibile în trei dimensiuni diferite. Această serie a fost special conceput pentru a fi utilizate în industria de eliminare a deșeurilor și de reciclare. | |
The reliable wood shredder for pallets and large, bulky wooden pieces
UNTHA Application wood (english)
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