AIDA este un lider global în proiectarea, fabricarea, vânzarea, servisarea și suportul, recondiționarea și modernizarea presei pentru ștanțarea metalelor și echipamentelor de automatizare a formării metalelor. |
angajaţi : |
50+ |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1954 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
The global AIDA network experienced a 43% growth in sales from 2002 to 2005 with year end results for 2006 of over € 385 million.
The global AIDA network experienced a 43% growth in sales from 2002 to 2005 with year end results for 2006 of over € 385 million. The mechanical press manufacturer has provided metalforming system solutions for 90 years and will celebrate this milestone in March 2007. Over the past 10 years, AIDA increased manufacturing capacity in the Japan and Shanghai facilities. New manufacturing facilities were opened in Italy, the United States, China and Malaysia. This expansion activity over the last decade has helped AIDA grow its global manufacturing capacity from 90,000 to 180,000 sqm. AIDA offers a full range of presses from 30 to 4000 tons, 15-2,500 spm, and one of the largest networks of manufacturing, sales and service in the metalforming industry. With a press manufacturing capacity that exceeds 2000 presses annually, AIDA is one of the largest mechanical press builders in the world.
AIDA Europe Opens New European Technology Center in Weingarten, Germany
AIDA Europe Opens New European Technology Center in Weingarten, Germany
AIDA ENGINEERING Ltd., world leader in SERVO technology for metal forming equipment, will open their new European Technology Center in Weingarten/Germany on 1st of August 2016.
AIDA ENGINEERING Ltd., world leader in SERVO technology for metal forming equipment, will open their new European Technology Center in Weingarten/Germany on 1st of August 2016.
AIDA EUROPE GmbH will have Sales & Engineering functions as well as Project Management, Purchasing and other activities. Combined with the already existing service operations, AIDA will be serving its northern, central and eastern European customers more closely and effectively and will strengthen its position as a leading supplier of Press Forming Systems.
Current functions and manufacturing for Europe will remain in Italy and together with AIDA's other manufacturing facilities in Japan, China, Malaysia and the USA, it will produce Tandem Lines, Transfer Presses and Blanking Lines of all sizes and configurations.
Mr. Aida stated, "The Bodensee-Oberschwaben region is one of the most innovative regions in Germany and many of our customers and suppliers are located here. Therefore, we decided to open our office here in Weingarten."
Klaus Rothenhagen, Vice President Sales of AIDA EUROPE, added "By opening our new office in Weingarten, AIDA can better serve our German and European customers more efficiently. By strengthening and expanding the service department, AIDA can ensure professional support for our customers."
Markus Ewald, the mayor of Weingarten, welcomed Mr. Aida last week and congratulated him for AIDA's decision to locate the new European Tech Center in Weingarten.
Initially, AIDA will increase the number of employees in Germany up to 50. In Europe, AIDA has more than 400 associates and around 1,800 globally. The management team will consist of Hans Kurt (Administration), Klaus Rothenhagen (Sales) and Thomas Spiesshofer (Technology and Engineering). Thomas Spiesshofer will join AIDA EUROPE GmbH in 2017.
Among the various forming systems for processing metal, press metalforming remains the technological leader in providing high-quality and high-volume production of metal parts with outstanding efficiency. Since its founding in 1917, AIDA ENGINEERING Ltd., as a forming system builder, has promoted technical innovation in industrial products by continuously rising to the challenge of developing new technologies. As AIDA approaches the 100th anniversary of its founding, market globalization and growing environmental and energy concerns are giving rise to new demands on industrial manufacturing. AIDA is creating the high value-added forming systems that respond to these demands as it aims to strengthen its presence in the global market and establish itself as a top global brand in forming technology.
Filozofia noastră este să "ascultăm vocea clientului". Înțelegerea provocărilor cu care se confruntă clienții noștri ne-a condus la crearea unor soluții inovatoare de formare a metalelor care reduc costurile de producție și cresc capacitatea lor de a genera profit.
De aproape 90 de ani, AIDA a lucrat pentru a deveni liderul global în construcția celei mai complete linii de prese pentru formarea metalelor din industrie și este recunoscută ca un furnizor de top de soluții inteligente de ștanțare și inovații tehnologice non-tradiționale.
Prin respect, serviciu, corectitudine, inovație și munca în echipă în cadrul organizației noastre și cu clienții noștri, avem intenția să continuăm să conducem industria prin exemplu. AIDA continuă să construiască pe tradiția de 85 de ani a calității produsului, leadershipului în industrie și inovație, stabilită de compania noastră mamă AIDA Engineering Ltd.
AIDA la nivel mondial se mândrește cu 166.000 m² de spațiu de producție, peste 1400 de asociați și o capacitate de fabricație a presei care depășește 2000 de prese pe an, făcând din AIDA, în unități produse, unul dintre cei mai mari producători de prese din lume.
Presele AIDA sunt folosite pentru a fabrica o gamă largă de articole, inclusiv componente auto; piese de aparate; componente electrice și electronice; conectori și terminale și laminații de motor.
Cu o reputație pentru furnizarea de echipamente inovatoare și de încredere, precum și soluții complete, AIDA este producătorul de prese preferat de liderii din fiecare industrie.
Please note that while these translations capture the essence of the original text, some nuances might differ due to linguistic and cultural differences. It's always a good idea to consult with a native speaker for any professional or official documents.
AIDA metal stamping presses and metalforming automation equipment. View our presentation
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