Soluții la cheie pentru automatizarea ferăstrăului. |
angajaţi : |
230 |
Anul înfiinţări : |
2002 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
Regarding Security
Regarding Security
The Hannover Messe 2016 was dominated by the topic of security – not only for the organiser, because of the visit of the US President, but also for Sprecher Automation in terms of secure energy networks.
The Hannover Messe 2016 was dominated by the topic of security – not only for the organiser, because of the visit of the US President, but also for Sprecher Automation in terms of secure energy networks.
The focus was primary on IT Security. The increasing networking density and the growing number of power supply users extend the attack vector on energy systems and therefore requires advanced solutions, which meet the demands of modern information and communication technologies.
By applying SPRECON, Sprecher’s customers benefit from a secure, innovative, modular and cost-effective automation platform to control and protect all operating equipment and networks in the areas of energy transmission and energy distribution. SPRECON systems are especially developed for critical infrastructures.
This year Sprecher presented its complete product and solution range for the energy area. Starting from traditional topics such as substation automation, protection (including the new line differential protection system), SCADA and telecontrol right up to the current topics for distribution automation with the most recent smart grid applications such as earth fault location.
Sprecher also emphasised its new products for primary technology represented by the SPREPOWER series which especially focused compact and environmental sustainable construction of medium voltage switchgears.
We are grateful to all of our visitors for showing great interest and trust in our products and solutions. This year our fair team again was able to receive valuable feedback regarding Sprechers exhibition range.
The concept of SPREBOX DA is based on “plug & play”. Thus medium voltage bays and measuring modules are simply connected via standardised industrial connectors.
In addition to LAN cabling, the mobile radio standards 3G, 4G or LTE are offered for wireless communication, as required. An optional dual SIM operation prevents communication failures here.
SPREBOX DA can be password-protected and IT-securely configured and diagnosed via a web browser, and provides comprehensive verification of the PPP connection.
Securely Supplied
SPREBOX DA systems are equipped with smart, uninterruptible power supply units as standard. The UPS (uninterrupted power supply) supplies all installed components as well as the switch drives in the event of a power supply failure. The battery cells for buffer operation can be adapted as required. The VdS-certified UPS can be parametrised and operated by software. The long-life batteries are monitored via configurable smart battery management and the temperature sensors.
Turnkey Solution Provider;Industry
Turnkey Solution Provider;Industry
New plant or plant retrofit? Sprecher Automation acts as an innovative and reliable partner for power supply, industrial and infrastructure solutions.
New plant or plant retrofit? Sprecher Automation acts as an innovative and reliable partner for power supply, industrial and infrastructure solutions.
Decades of project experience together with excellent process expertise, gained from various world-wide applications, guarantee outstanding technical an economical benefits for our customers.
Processes in industries and municipal utilities must be controlled at the highest possible precision level. Reactions within fractions of seconds as well as multiple parallel processes demand sophisticated control systems with optimal adaption to the specific requirements.
Sprecher Automation provides a wide range of technologies for optimal and secure process automation as well as power supply for various branches.
For certain branches, Sprecher Automation offers specifically developed automation packages, hardware components as well as application software for swift realisations.
SPREBOX DA - Compact Control Cubicles for Smart and Secure Distribution Grid Operation
SPREBOX DA - Compact Control Cubicles for Smart and Secure Distribution Grid Operation
The steady increase in decentralised infeeders leads to highly complex structures of medium and low voltage grids.
The steady increase in decentralised infeeders leads to highly complex structures of medium and low voltage grids. Continuous exceedings of limit values as well as undesired operating states are the result which must be instantly detected by grid control in order to take appropriate countermeasures.
For the fast and secure transmission of current grid data, smart and secure automation and communication units are therefore required for the timely monitoring and control of the equipment and system statuses.
SPREBOX DA control cabinets have been especially developed for area-wide roll-out, easy assembly and fast remote updates (e.g. via web browser).
Secure Grid Operation
The compact SPREBOX DA cubicles, in metal or plastic housings, fulfil all typical automation, protection and communication tasks in distribution grids with multiple application possibilities:
Control and protection of local substations Control and protection of regenerative infeeders (feed-in management) Telecontrol for electricity, water, gas, traffic and transport
SPRECON automation and protection devices act as the core of the boxes. They are used to create optimum solutions for the respective application in terms of both technology and cost-effectiveness. SPRECON offers comprehensive functions for the collection of the relevant grid data as well as for grid status control, specifically for distribution automation.
Hence the systems take over decentralised management tasks to relieve the SCADA level. SPRECON has been designed for applications in critical infrastructures and offers comprehensive functions and mechanisms for secure communication.
SPRECON as well as the business processes of Sprecher Automation are qualified for future certifications in the energy industry.
Sprecher Automation: Asta suntem noi! O filozofie – 14 locații – peste 650 de angajați
Sprecher Automation oferă produse și soluții pentru alimentare cu energie și automatizarea proceselor. Securizăm infrastructuri critice și optimizăm procese energetice și industriale complexe.
Clienții noștri sunt atât utilități energetice locale și internaționale, industrii, companii de transport, utilități municipale și instituții publice. Le servim direct prin locațiile noastre sau prin parteneri de sistem locali selectați și certificați.
Calitatea, disponibilitatea și securitatea - acestea nu sunt doar cerințele clienților noștri, ci și obiectivele pe care le urmărim. Din acest motiv, de exemplu, dezvoltarea hardware-ului și software-ului are loc în Austria și Germania. Producem exclusiv în Austria - începând cu producția de elemente individuale, până la verificări de sistem și teste practice interne.
Turnkey Solutions for Sawmill Automation; View our presentation
| Scannere 3D de înaltă performanță pentru un ferăstrău Cu SPRESCAN, Sprecher Automation oferă o serie de senzori și sisteme de scanare pentru măsurarea și evaluarea diametrului, conturului, lungimii, lățimii, grosimii, defectelor, umidității și altor calități ale lemnului. Decenii de experiență arată că aplicarea acestor dispozitive de măsurare duce la o creștere semnificativă a valorii și randamentului.
| Sortarea buștenilor Pentru această secțiune specifică, Sprecher Automation oferă sisteme pentru optimizarea sortării și înregistrării buștenilor. În plus, achiziția de date poate fi înregistrată în scopuri legale. SPRETIMB cu toate componentele sale este aplicat întregului ferăstrău. Diferitele configurații de pachete depind de secțiunile specifice ale ferăstrăului. Aceasta vizează în special familia de produse SPRESCAN, care dispune de o multitudine de sisteme de măsurare. | |
SPRECON-E (Automation platform for power utilities)
SPRECON-E (Automation platform for power utilities)