Since 1980, the Swiss based WinTool AG has been developing and constantly improving an extremely comprehensive, yet easy-to-use CNC data management solution for production resources & tools (PRT Management). |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1980 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
- Software pentru roboţi industriali
- Software pentru utilaje; altele
- Software CAM
- Diagnostic de procese
- Software pentru programarea capacităţilor şi a producţiei
- Software pentru gestionarea achiziţiilor industriale
- Software pentru achiziţii de date la utilaje
- Software pentru simularea de prelucrări
- Software pentru întreţinere
- Software pentru gestionarea sistemelor de producţie
- Software pentru producţie; altele
- Software pentru reţele
- Software pentru achiziţia de date în producţie
- Software planificarea şi controlul producţiei
- Software pentru gestiunea stocurilor şi a materialelor
- Software pentru sistemele de depozitare şi de transport
- Software pentru gestionarea sculelor
- Software pentru DNC
- Software şi soluţii pentru ingineria mecanică generală şi construirea instalaţiilor
- Software şi soluţii pentru tehnologia de măsurare şi control
Apps for production,
CAM software,
Cloud applications for production,
Consultation for Industry 4.0 solutions, internet of things,
Data bases for technical and economic research,
Equipment for workpiece or tool handling; other,
Manufacturing execution software (MES),
Materials data base,
Software for CNC-controls,
Software for DNC,
Software for engineering and design,
Software for industrial purchasing management,
Software for machines; other,
Software for managing manufacturing systems,
Software for manufacturing process simulation,
Software for manufacturing; other,
Software for order processing (ERP),
Software for product development; other,
Software for production planning and control,
Software for stock and materials management,
Software for warehousing and conveying management,
Software-based solutions for Industry 4.0 and industrial internet of things,
Testing control and management,
Tool management software,
Since 1980, the Swiss based WinTool AG has been developing and constantly improving an extremely comprehensive, yet easy-to-use CNC data management solution for production resources & tools (PRT Management). Together with many precision manufacturers and solution partners, WinTool has incorporated Best Practices found in home grown systems, continued to champion the lean manufacturing methodology, and reduced the overhead of data processing requirements.
WinTool is proud to be the recognized leader on the cutting edge of modern CNC machining today!
WinTool Image Brochure
WinTool Image Brochure PDF catalogue