
Noi suntem specialiștii dumneavoastră în mașini și sisteme pentru reciclarea plasticului. |
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Manufacturer |
 Neue Herbold GmbH re-engineer their pulverizer ZM 800
Neue Herbold GmbH re-engineer their pulverizer ZM 800
Company Neue Herbold Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH , D-74889 Sinsheim-Reihen, offers a wide range of machines and plants for size reduction and recycling of plastics scrap from production and waste collection.
Company Neue Herbold Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH , D-74889 Sinsheim-Reihen, offers a wide range of machines and plants for size reduction and recycling of plastics scrap from production and waste collection.
The well-proven Pulverizer ZM 800 has now been renewed: In future the ZM 800 will convince its users with clever optimizations. A new machinery construction has taken place and modifications were realized which offer further operation advantages for the customer.
One major innovation is the stream technique optimization of the machinery housing. In the past, machines of this type were manufactured with a round housing on a platform, while the new housing passage is now supplied in a curved design. The background for this modification is, that the material’s angular momentum is used for the discharge, since the material is pre-accelerated for the subsequent air conveyance. This results in the advantage, that higher throughput rates are generated, while the energy consumption remains unchanged.
Besides technical aspects, design and ergonomics were a very important point
for the improvement process. The standard machine extensions like vibro-feeder
or mounting bracket for the vacuum feeder, blend all into one compact machine concept with clear lines. Meanwhile, all parts offer a good accessibility. Many detail modifications took place, like the optimized door lock, which operates very efficiently and with less space requirements. Cables, connections and sensors are now all in one central processing unit. The control unit of the water injection, consisting of valves and sensors, is now placed in an easy accessible, dust-proof and splash-proof housing. Furthermore, all lines are protected and installed compactly. The clear design and the compact construction offer a simple operation as well as an easy maintenance to the customers.
Noi suntem specialiștii dumneavoastră în mașini și sisteme pentru reciclarea plasticului. Ne specializăm atât în mărunțire, pulverizare și compactare (aglomerare) a deșeurilor de producție curate, cât și în reciclarea deșeurilor uzate, mixte și contaminate prin spălare, separare și uscare.
Pe lângă soluții complexe de procesare pentru reciclarea plasticului, putem oferi și optimizarea sistemelor existente pentru prelucrarea deșeurilor de plastic.
Mașinile noastre sunt utilizate într-o varietate de industrii din întreaga lume, iar clienții noștri din Germania, Europa, America de Sud, Centrală și de Nord, Africa, Orientul Mijlociu și Extremul Orient pot avea întotdeauna încredere în calitatea și fiabilitatea sistemelor și mașinilor noastre de reciclare (de la aglomeratoare și tocaroare până la linii de spălare).
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