Creșteți eficiența fabricii dumneavoastră cu soluții avansate pentru prelucrarea tablei. |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1986 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
Lantek, Kaltenbach and Remmert bring their open technology innovations together
Lantek, Kaltenbach and Remmert bring their open technology innovations together
Lantek, a global leader in the development and commercialization of integral software solutions (CAD/CAM/MES/ERP) for the machine tool sector, has recently carried out an open innovation process along with Kaltenbach, a machine tool and sheet metal machining product manufacturer, and Remmert, a company specialized in the robotization and automation of industrial warehouses, in order to reach an important technological solution.
Lantek, a global leader in the development and commercialization of integral software solutions (CAD/CAM/MES/ERP) for the machine tool sector, has recently carried out an open innovation process along with Kaltenbach, a machine tool and sheet metal machining product manufacturer, and Remmert, a company specialized in the robotization and automation of industrial warehouses, in order to reach an important technological solution.
Through this collaboration, the three companies have gathered together their respective technological and innovative skills to develop and create a plasma cutting machine and robot to speed up the component extraction processes, providing an answer for the requirements posed by Goldbeck, an engineering company focused on the design, construction and maintenance of office buildings, halls and car parks. It is a cutting-edge innovation as it is the first automatic evacuation system with a robotic arm for heavy parts.
This initiative is clear evidence of the commitment that Lantek, Kaltenbach and Remmert have regarding innovation and the development of effective solutions that provide added value and which guarantee a more direct and closer service for their customers.
As a proof of concept of this innovation, a prototype of the machine robot assembly was presented at the annual "International Partners in Steel" (IPS) fair held
Work with a promising future
Kaltenbach, the company promoting this collaboration agreement, has trusted Lantek -its partner for four years-, and Remmert with the design of a solution that would allow it to take full advantage of its machines' performance, that would offer increased productivity and that could offer, in addition, ease of use for the operators.
Thus, Lantek has provided the technology to generate the machine cutting data and the evacuation and palletizing positions that the robot must execute in a simple and visual way, taking full advantage of the system. Remmert, on the other hand, has been responsible for making sure that the palletizing information reaching it is correctly executed by the robot. Last of all, the team at Kaltenbach has coordinated all the processes so that the machine executes the right movements at the precise moment.
The combination of all these technologies offers great benefits for Goldbeck. On the one hand, it allows it to substantially increase its productivity, because while the robot quickly moves the part to the pallet assigned to it by Lantek's software, the Kaltenbach machine can continue with its cutting activity without interruption, significantly increasing the speed of evacuation of parts. On the other, as the operator does not have to handle the heavy parts, accidents are avoided and safety is increased.
As a result of this fruitful experience, Lantek and Remmert are considering a continuation of the agreement, extending this collaboration to other scenarios.
About Lantek
Lantek is a leading global multi-national regarding the development and commercialization of CAD/CAM and ERP integral solutions for the machine tool sector. Its capacity for innovation and its firm commitment to internationalization have led Lantek, founded in 1986 in the Basque Country, to become a global reference with its Lantek Expert solutions for sheet metal cutting and punching. Today, the company has over 11,000 customers in over 100 countries, its own offices in Spain (Vitoria-Gasteiz), the United States, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Italy, United Kingdom, China, South Korea, France, Japan, India, Poland, Mexico, Turkey and the Czech Republic, and a network of distributors that extend its presence throughout the world. In 2010 its international operations provided 84% of its turnover.
Creșteți eficiența fabricii dumneavoastră cu soluții avansate pentru prelucrarea tablei.
Imaginați-vă o fabrică optimizată pentru performanță maximă, unde fiecare mașină funcționează într-un mod inteligent și interconectat, asigurând eficiență maximă și minimizând erorile. Această viziune este transformată în realitate la Lantek, un pionier în transformarea digitală a industriei de prelucrare a tablei de peste 35 de ani.
Ca lider global, Lantek furnizează sisteme software și soluții complete pentru companii care produc componente din tablă, țevi și oțel structural.
Lantek este lider mondial printre companiile de software pentru industria metalurgică în ceea ce privește veniturile, baza de clienți, birourile, rețeaua de vânzări și suport tehnic, precum și este recunoscut pentru inovație și expertiza tehnologică.
| Lantek Expert Cut Waterjet Technology Tehnologia Lantek Expert Cut Waterjet este un sistem CAD / CAM special conceput pentru automatizarea programării mașinilor de tăiat metalul (oxicut, plasmă, laser, jet de apă).
| Lantek Expert Punch Lantek Expert Punch este un sistem CAD/CAM special conceput pentru automatizarea programării mașinilor CNC de perforare. Este rezultatul a peste 20 de ani de experiență în colaborare strânsă atât cu producătorii, cât și cu utilizatorii acestui tip de mașini. | |