
Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. se prezintă ca cel mai mare furnizor de echipamente și servicii pentru industria plasticelor sub numele de marcă Husky. |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1953 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
 Husky announces market-focused sales organization
Husky announces market-focused sales organization
OLTON, Ontario - Husky Injection Molding Systems today announced changes within its global sales organization.
OLTON, Ontario - Husky Injection Molding Systems today announced changes within its global sales organization. Gerardo Chiaia, currently leading the company’s Asia Pacific and EMEA sales organization, has been named Vice-President, Global Sales for Beverage Packaging. In addition, Mike Urquhart, currently Husky’s sales leader in the Americas, has been named Vice-President, Global Sales for Packaging Systems. Mr. Chiaia and Mr. Urquhart will continue serving as members of Husky’s executive team.
“By taking a market-focused approach within our sales organization, we are aligning ourselves to more effectively respond to customer needs. We are hopeful that this increased market focus will allow us to develop more effective solutions to allow our customers to grow and compete successfully on a global basis,” said John Galt, Husky’s President and CEO. “Both Gerardo and Mike are accomplished sales executives with the experience required to lead these newly formed global teams. In their new market-focused roles I am confident that they will be able to deepen customer relationships in our core markets of beverage bottles and closures, and specialty packaging.”
In October 2011, Husky announced the formation of a dedicated organization for its hot runner and controller business, which included sales accountability. With today’s announcement Husky has completed the transition of its global sales force to a market-based organization.
Mr. Chiaia has served as Husky’s sales leader for Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa since January 2010. Since joining Husky in 1996, Mr. Chiaia has held positions of increasing responsibility across Husky’s service, sales and manufacturing operations. Mr. Chiaia holds a Masters in Engineering and Automation from Metz University (France) and an MBA from Sacred Heart University (Luxembourg).
Mr. Urquhart has served as Vice-President, Americas Sales since 2010. Since joining Husky in 1980, Mr. Urquhart has served in a number of leadership positions throughout the company’s operations, marketing and sales organizations. Mr. Urquhart holds an MBA from York University with a focus on Management Science and Corporate Finance and a Mechanical Engineering Degree from the University of Waterloo.
About Husky — Husky Injection Molding Systems (www.husky.ca) is a leading global supplier of injection molding equipment and services to the plastics industry. The company has more than 40 service and sales offices, supporting customers in over 100 countries. Husky's manufacturing facilities are located in Canada, the United States, Luxembourg, Austria and China.
 Husky announces new customer for integrated medical systems in Russia
Husky announces new customer for integrated medical systems in Russia
rder sees Pascal Medical install 12 Husky systems for medical applications
Order sees Pascal Medical install 12 Husky systems for medical applications
Bolton, Canada – Husky Injection Molding Systems, a leading industrial technology provider to the plastics processing community, today announced a strategic win with Pascal Medical, who has purchased and installed twelve Husky systems. Pascal Medical has chosen Husky to be its partner in the creation of an innovative, technologically advanced product complex for the manufacture of sterile, disposable medical products.
Committed to becoming a leading player in the Russian market, Pascal Medical has been working in close partnership with Husky to set up its state-of-the-art facility in Dubna, Russia, with the goal of creating an industry-leading manufacturing organization, capable of replacing foreign-import medical products with premium quality domestic production. Currently focused on disposable syringes, the company plans to expand its product range in the future to include prefilled syringes, infusion and transfusion systems, catheters, vacuum blood collection systems, and parts for epidural anesthesia.
Husky has been involved in all aspects of the project, including the planning for a 10,000 square meter factory, syringe design development, and selection of assembling machines, clean room suppliers and even personnel. With its combination of proven system and machine platforms and the industry-leading precision of its medical tooling branded under the Schöttli banner, Husky is able to provide comprehensive, integrated system solutions for the manufacture of medical disposables. Working with a single source supplier minimizes operational risk for Pascal Medical, allowing the organization to focus on producing the highest quality parts.
“We are thrilled to be working so closely with Pascal Medical as they complete the first stage of their project, and we look forward to continuing our partnership as they expand production lines and the range of injection molded products they offer,” said Robert Domodossola, Husky’s President of Medical and Specialty Packaging. “As was the case for beverage packaging in Russia twenty years ago, currently there is very little local production of medical disposables.”
The Dubna facility opened and began production on September 27th, with integrated Husky systems installed and producing quality parts. With its team of highly qualified professionals boasting years of experience, Pascal is looking at complete production cycles using premium equipment suppliers with the most advanced engineering technology in order to ensure strict compliance with both Russian and international quality standards.
“Our aim at Pascal Medical is to become a world-class supplier, producing the highest quality plastic medical applications. With Husky as a strategic partner in this effort, we feel confident in our ability,” said Alexander Fedorov, CEO of Pascal Medical. “We started construction on our state-of-the-art facility in July of 2016, and today the plant is open and fully operational. The expertise that Husky brings to the table in this industry is extremely valuable to us.”
About Husky — Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. is a leading global supplier of injection molding equipment and services to the plastics industry. The company has more than 40 service and sales offices, supporting customers in over 100 countries. Husky’s manufacturing facilities are located in Canada, the United States, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, China, India and the Czech Republic.
For more information: Media Relations Husky Injection Molding Systems
Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. se prezintă ca cel mai mare furnizor de echipamente și servicii pentru industria plasticelor sub numele de marcă Husky. Ei reprezintă o echipă multifuncțională de ingineri, designeri, inovatori, specialiști în materiale și software, și soluționatori de probleme. Cu o echipă de peste 4.300 de persoane dedicate, răspândite în întreaga lume, Husky se concentrează pe conducerea succesului și profitabilității clienților săi, care operează în peste 140 de țări.
| Hot Runners Cursore fierbinți, Unul dintre cele mai sofisticate componente ale unei forme de injectie - o tehnologie cheie în realizarea unui proces eficient de matrițare prin injecție, care are un impact direct asupra profitabilității și calității pieselor. |
| HyPET Systems Sisteme HyPET, Bazate pe platforma dovedită Hylectric, rulează forme cu față unică. Sunt sisteme de producție a preformelor extrem de flexibile și rapide, disponibile de la 90 la 500 de tone (900 la 5000 kN), capabile să ruleze forme de la 8 la 144 de cavități.
| Index Systems Sisteme Index; Folosind clema noastră patentată rotativă cu două seturi de miezuri, sistemul Index este ideal pentru aplicații de preforme cu volum mai mare și greutate mai mare. Cu o clema de 600 de tone (6000 kN) are capacitatea de a rula forme de la 32 la 144 de cavități. |
| Preform Molds Formele preform Husky sunt proiectate și construite pentru a produce preforme de cea mai înaltă calitate și pentru a îmbunătăți productivitatea. Continuăm să investim în facilități de fabricație dedicate formelor în SUA, Canada și Luxemburg pentru a crește capacitatea și a maximiza calitatea pieselor. Formele Preform sunt disponibile de la 2 la 144 de cavități. | |
Hot Runner Maintenance and Refurbishment
Hot Runner Maintenance and Refurbishment
Sustaining high output and maintaining mold productivity