
Astăzi, Reika este un lider mondial în fabricarea sistemelor de prelucrare a tuburilor și barelor la cheie. Numeroasele patente la nivel mondial sunt dovada unui inginerat continuu și inovator. |
angajaţi : |
40+ |
Anul înfiinţări : |
1907 |
Tip afacere : |
Manufacturer |
 Reika and Gräbener Maschinentechnik still rocking machine tool world
Reika and Gräbener Maschinentechnik still rocking machine tool world
Positive headlines recently attracted substantial attention on German machine tool enterprises REIKA and GRÄBENER MASCHINENTECHNIK of the Graebener Group.
Positive headlines recently attracted substantial attention on German machine tool enterprises REIKA and GRÄBENER MASCHINENTECHNIK of the Graebener Group.
The former by receiving considerable attention with their RingSaw® premiere to the machine tool world, a revolutionary design for cutting of tubes, profiles and bars, the latter recording a big order for the delivery of seven machines to a new pipe mill in Saudi Arabia.
REIKA’s RingSaw® Avantgarde has the potential to become tomorrow's classics:
Detailed test runs together with leading manufacturers of roller bearings confirmed and yet even exceeded their expectations with remarkable savings by that new technology saw head that orbits the stationary workpiece: cost savings of 50 to 80 percent, compared to conventional carbide saws and 30 to 60 percent faster, leading to rapid return on investment.
Meanwhile, recent test runs with bars, smaller (40 mm dia.) and bigger (600 mm dia.) tubes, reported impressive results. So everybody at REIKA is really proud of this machine, performing almost every day since its launch at the TUBE Show in Düsseldorf in April 2010. But the company, based in Hagen (North Rine Westphalia - Germany), is still anxious to keep the tool technology up to date. High-tech tools are constantly being developed to optimize the outstanding results.
Continous development is also the Keyword at Gräbener Maschinentechnik. Amongst Hydroforming and Hot-Stamping-Presses and Plate edge milling machines for manufacture of ship deck sections, there is particular attention for machine tools to manufacture longitudinal welded tubes. Milling machines, pipe forming presses, 3- and 4-roll bending machines, post-bending presses, continuous root tacking machines, end facing machines etc., all machines will be constantly updated to the latest technological standards with special care to well known Gräbener reliability.
Most recent example is Gräbener’s pipe forming press delivered to a tube mill in Malaysia, being among the fastest in the world. Gräbener engineers and technicians reduced the real tube bending time to 3 minutes, outstanding proof for Graebener Group performance and success.
Reika – Istorie și Beneficii ale Produselor Istoria Reika
Reika a fost fondată ca „Maschinenfabrik Reinery” în anul 1906. De la bun început, am dezvoltat mașini și tehnici pentru procesarea tuburilor pentru o producție din ce în ce mai rapidă, mai precisă și mai eficientă. Astăzi, Reika este unul dintre principalii producători de linii complete pentru prelucrarea tuburilor. Ne uităm cu mândrie înapoi la această dezvoltare, care ne motivează zilnic să obținem performanțe mai bune în calitate și inovație pentru clienții noștri.
Beneficiile Produselor
Liniile Reika sunt cunoscute în întreaga lume pentru stabilitate și fiabilitate. Echipamentele Reika sunt greu de găsit pe piața mașinilor uzate, deoarece durata de viață a mașinilor este remarcabilă. Reika se străduiește continuu să maximizeze eficiența costurilor acestei tehnologii în beneficiul liniei de jos a clientului.
Astăzi, Reika este un lider mondial în fabricarea sistemelor de prelucrare a tuburilor și barelor la cheie. Numeroasele patente la nivel mondial sunt dovada unui inginerat continuu și inovator.
| Beveling lines • Welded and seamless tubes according to DIN, API or ANSI Standards
• Beveling lines designed as single head or twin head machines according to customer requirements
• CNC control
• ACTUAL/NOMINAL diameter measuring with fully automatic tool adjustment
• Online integration into pipe mill workflow
• High cutting speeds
• Short cutting times
• Short set-up times |
| Rotating Cut-off head Rotating Cut-off head – stationary tube
• Clean cut by using carbide tips
• Long tool life – low tool cost
• High cutting speed – High tool feed rates = Short cutting times
• Short idle times – short cycle times for higher productivity
• Dry, clean cut without coolant
• Accurate rectangular and perpendicular cuts
• No surface damage | |