
Prinoth specjalizuje się w produkcji ciężkiego sprzętu do trudnych warunków. |
Ilość pracowników : |
50 - 99 |
Rok założenia : |
1990 |
Rodzaj działalności : |
Manufacturer |
 PRINOTH Bagjump Landingbag
PRINOTH Bagjump Landingbag
The Seiser Alm Legends 2020 are over and the whole freestyle world is still talking excitedly about the sophisticated set-up conjured by F-TECH Snowparks, and the daring leaps of athletes who appeared to master the challenging course with ease.
The Seiser Alm Legends 2020 are over and the whole freestyle world is still talking excitedly about the sophisticated set-up conjured by F-TECH Snowparks, and the daring leaps of athletes who appeared to master the challenging course with ease. It all looks so simple and virtually weightless with professionals, that one is tempted to query the existence of gravity. Yet, as every freestyler knows, behind it all lies arduous work. And not a few serious injuries, when you don’t succeed in landing quite so effortlessly on both legs the way you intended. Up till now, athletes had to accept the risk of serious injuries when landing hard on the ice, if they wanted to develop further in their sport. Yet now that has all changed, at least in the Zillertal: as of late, the Zillertal Arena is the only ski resort in the world that possesses a permanent landing bag (a giant air cushion). The Bagjump Landing Bag was sponsored by PRINOTH, the resort’s preferred partner, and is not intended only for professionals. The landing bag in the Kreuzwiese Actionpark in Zell is open (and free of charge) to all visitors to the ski resort! Three ski jumps of varying heights and levels of difficulty lead down to the giant air cushion, which at 31 x 17 metres is adjusted to the slope of the hill and thus relates very realistically to the landing area. The bag thus offers optimum training conditions from beginners to professionals: responsible training with minimum risk.
The best feature of the facility is that when taking the first steps and the first jumps in freestyle, you are not left on your own. The local “Shredschool” includes experienced former professional sportsmen and women and big names on the scene who will show you how to go about new jumps. And anyone who dares can even copy tricks on a ski jump with a landing on snow. The PRINOTH X COMMUNITY Partner UNIQUEParks takes care of this, looking after the construction and maintenance of the snow park.
Skiers including professionals are equally enthusiastic. Notably the Zillertal snowboard professional Werni Stock: “I wish I could have had such a facility when I began to learn more difficult tricks!” he said. “I am very happy that from now on there is the chance in the Zillertal Arena for beginners and professionals to try out and perfect new jumps with manageable risk. Since the level at the most prestigious international competitions is rising ever higher, such a facility is essential to guarantee further development of one’s abilities – whether you are a snowboarder or a freeskier.”
And that's how it looks like in addition to the existing freestyle elite, the future one will also be seen in the Zillertal Arena.
Prinoth specjalizuje się w produkcji ciężkiego sprzętu do trudnych warunków. Tam, gdzie większość innych nie może, my działamy. Wszystkie nasze maszyny są zaprojektowane do konkretnych celów, czy to przenoszenie ziemi, pielęgnacja śniegu czy zarządzanie roślinnością, pojazd Prinoth to gwarancja jakości i niezawodności.
Dzięki dużym ładownościom, niskiemu naciskowi na podłoże, zaawansowanej technologii silnikowej i skupieniu na bezpieczeństwie, nasze nośniki gąsienicowe umożliwiają efektywną i zrównoważoną pracę poza drogami.
Nasze ratraki gwarantują doskonałe wykończenie w każdym obszarze zastosowania: od stromych zjazdów, przez trasy narciarstwa biegowego i trasy dla skuterów śnieżnych, aż po snowparki.
Zarządzanie roślinnością
Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o prace związane z wycinaniem terenów, konserwacją tras komunikacyjnych, usuwaniem uszkodzonego drewna, działaniami infrastrukturalnymi, utrzymaniem praw do drogi czy zbieraniem biomasy, nasze pojazdy nośne, przycinarki do drzew i osprzęt umożliwiają zrównoważone zarządzanie roślinnością.
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