Balluff Enhances Logistics Operations with Consolidated Warehousing in Hungary
Balluff Enhances Logistics Operations with Consolidated Warehousing in Hungary
Balluff, a leader in sensor technology, has strategically streamlined its logistics operations in Veszprém, Hungary.
Balluff, a leader in sensor technology, has strategically streamlined its logistics operations in Veszprém, Hungary. This enhancement involves consolidating four separate warehouses into a single, more centralized facility for improved fulfilment capabilities.
Aiming to boost capacity, Balluff's revamped site incorporates cutting-edge logistics technology. Key features of the expansion include an automated storage system for small boxes, catering to parts and semi-finished products, along with a modern narrow-aisle storage system designed for efficient handling of pallets and longer items.
Engineered for high-speed conveyor and lifting operations and optimal use of space, the new 5,000m² facility represents a critical step forward for Balluff in both company growth and logistics innovation.
Veszprém, situated southwest of Budapest, is not only Balluff’s second-largest development hub after its German headquarters but also stands as the company's largest serial production location. This site, along with Balluff’s manufacturing plants in Chengdu, China, and Aguascalientes, Mexico, forms a crucial part of its global production network.

Balluff investing HUF 700 mln at Hungarian base
Balluff investing HUF 700 mln at Hungarian base
Balluff Elektronika is investing almost HUF 700 million at its base in Veszprém (NE Hungary), managing director Tamás Ötvös told MTI.
Balluff Elektronika is investing almost HUF 700 million at its base in Veszprém (NE Hungary), managing director Tamás Ötvös told MTI.
Balluff Elektronika launched the investment program last year and will complete it by the end of July 2013, Ötvös said. The program is supported by HUF 260 million in European Union funding, he added.
Balluff Elektronika, a unit of German automation technology company Balluff, targets a 5-10% revenue increase over last year’s net HUF 14.7 billion. The company employs 642 people at present.

Balluff's IO-Link Sensor - Actuator Hub with Expansion Port
Balluff's IO-Link Sensor - Actuator Hub with Expansion Port
IO-Link actuator/sensor hubs from Balluff feature eight ports for 16 in-/outputs.
IO-Link actuator/sensor hubs from Balluff feature eight ports for 16 in-/outputs. They allow for example signals from up to 16 switching sensors to be collected from a distance of up to 20 m so that they can be made available to the machine controller via IO-Link and an IO-Link master using a simple 3-conductor cable. Brand new in the market are versions with an expansion port.
Here Slot 7 can be reconfigured as an expansion port by means of a simple parameter entry. A complete valve plug or an additional sensor hub can be connected to it. For the user this means a significant gain in flexibility and efficiency. Now it is possible not only to cost-effectively process additional in- and outputs, but also expand the range to a circle of another 20 m. Thanks to plug-and-play and the use of unshielded standard cables, the system can be started up in no time at all.
About IO-Link : IO-Link simplifies the installation of a system, saves money and enables intelligent diagnostics and configuration concepts to be implemented quickly and cost-effectively. IO-Link is considered an enabler technology for Industry 4.0.
Z ponad 50-letnim doświadczeniem w dziedzinie czujników, Balluff GmbH jest liderem na świecie i jednym z najbardziej efektywnych producentów technologii czujników z siedzibą w Neuhausen a.d.F. bezpośrednio w pobliżu Stuttgartu.
Zaawansowana technologia, bardzo nowoczesna elektronika, zastosowania specyficznych dla klienta rozwiązań oraz indywidualne konsultacje i usługi pierwszej klasy to wyróżniające cechy naszej firmy. 2,750 pracowników na terenie kraju i za granicą zaangażowanych jest w to.
Dla wszystkich obszarów automatyzacji - odpowiednia kompetencja systemu z jednego źródła:
elektroniczne i mechaniczne czujniki
przetworniki obrotowe i liniowe
systemy identyfikacji i
zoptymalizowana technologia łączenia dla efektywnej automatyzacji
Balluff oznacza:
sprawdzona technologia
ciągłe innowacje
doświadczone wsparcie aplikacji
najwyższa jakość
najwyższa niezawodność
maksymalne nastawienie na klienta