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 GE´s Wind Turbines Powering E.ON Wind Farms in Poland
GE´s Wind Turbines Powering E.ON Wind Farms in Poland
Salzbergen, Germany – October 7th, 2010 – GE´s (NYSE:GE) multi-megawatt wind turbine technology has entered commercial service in Poland and is helping the country meet its renewable energy requirements, GE announced today at the official opening of the Nekla windpark.
Salzbergen, Germany – October 7th, 2010 – GE´s (NYSE:GE) multi-megawatt wind turbine technology has entered commercial service in Poland and is helping the country meet its renewable energy requirements, GE announced today at the official opening of the Nekla windpark. With Poland’s high wind potential and large agricultural areas, wind technology will play a key role to help the country meet its target to have 15% of its total energy supplied by renewable resources by the year 2020.
Marking the debut of GE’s 2.5-100, technology in Poland the Nekla project is owned by the Polish affiliate company of E.ON Climate and Renewables and consists of 21 turbines installed at seven sites in the Wielkopolska Region. All turbines have been successfully installed, commissioned and connected to the grid.
With a rotor diameter of 100 meters, the 2.5-100 provides customers with increased annual energy production while maintaining efficiency, reliability and grid connection capabilities. “The increased output of each unit, the qualities and track record of GE technology have been key factors in our turbine choice for this project, with which E.ON will produce more than 50 megawatts of clean, wind generated electricity for the Polish market,” said Sven Utermöhlen, Regional Director Central Europe for E.ON Climate & Renewables.
Nearly 200 of GE’s 2.5-100 onshore wind turbines have been shipped, primarily for projects in European countries including Romania, France Holland, Turkey, Germany, Belgium, Spain and Italy, and have complied more than one million operating hours. This machine is designed as an evolutionary product and built upon the success of GE’s 1.5-megawatt wind turbine, the world’s most widely deployed megawatt-class wind turbine with nearly 14,000 units installed.
“With its excellent wind conditions and favorable regulations, Poland is one of the most promising wind energy countries in Europe,” said Ricardo Cordoba, President of GE Energy Western Europe & North Africa. “We are pleased that the first application of our 2.5-100 technology in Poland is helping the country meet its clean energy targets.”
Więcej osób na całym świecie zwraca się do nas po zaawansowane systemy energetyczne i całodobowe usługi energetyczne niż do jakiejkolwiek innej firmy. Od kiedy zainstalowaliśmy naszą pierwszą turbinę parową w 1901 roku, nasza zainstalowana baza turbin parowych i ciężkich gazowych wzrosła do ponad 10 000 jednostek, co reprezentuje ponad milion megawatów (MW) zainstalowanej mocy w ponad 120 krajach. Z ponad 5 500 turbinami wiatrowymi i 3 600 turbinami wodnymi zainstalowana pojemność energii odnawialnej przekracza 160 000 MW. Potężna Przyszłość
GE ściśle współpracuje z klientami, aby osiągnąć wzajemny wzrost i sukces. Pracujemy w tandemie z rządami i społecznościami nad zarządzaniem złożonymi międzynarodowymi relacjami i rozwojem kluczowych infrastruktur. Pracujemy również ściśle z dostawcami, umożliwiając im stanie się rozszerzonymi fabrykami i platformami GE dla przyspieszonej globalizacji. Poprzez te potężne partnerstwa tworzymy innowacyjne produkty i technologie służące ludziom na całym świecie.
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