Sokol Timber buys Ledinek finger jointing machine
Sokol Timber buys Ledinek finger jointing machine
Sokol Timber Company part of the Segezha Group’s has purchased a Kontizink L -S120 finger jointing machine which is expected to be installed and working by the end of June 2020.
Sokol Timber Company part of the Segezha Group’s has purchased a Kontizink L -S120 finger jointing machine which is expected to be installed and working by the end of June 2020. The new machine is for the Sokol Timber plant at the Sokolsky Woodworking Integrated Plant, Sokol Timber is a leading manufacturer of construction beams and glued laminated timber for housing construction on the Russian market. This latest purchase of Woodworking technology from Ledinek wil be part of its complex line for the production of glue lam beams.

CLT production plant for UHLK in the Ukraine
CLT production plant for UHLK in the Ukraine
The UHLK company from Korosten, Ukraine is another investor who has entrusted Ledinek with the order to design, assemble and put into operation a CLT line.
The UHLK company from Korosten, Ukraine is another investor who has entrusted Ledinek with the order to design, assemble and put into operation a CLT line.
Complete solution for the technology of manufacturing cross laminated timber products of maximum size 18 m x 3,5 m x 0,36 m.
The contract was signed in summer 2018 and currently trial running of the equipment is taking place on site.
The beginning of production on the new line is scheduled for November this year.

Cross laminated timber gave Ledinek machine manufacturer a great year
Cross laminated timber gave Ledinek machine manufacturer a great year
2017 was a year that will be difficult to beat in the future, as the machine manufacturer Ledinek from Hoce / SI is convinced.
2017 was a year that will be difficult to beat in the future, as the machine manufacturer Ledinek from Hoce / SI is convinced. Cross laminated timber became an absolute hit worldwide this year. Demand in the world market has the trend ..

Successful presentation in Moscow
Successful presentation in Moscow
A couple of days prior to the fair in Kiev, International Specialized Exhibition of Machinery, Equipment, Fittings, Tools and Instruments for Timber Lesdrevmash 2016 took place in Moscow.
A couple of days prior to the fair in Kiev, International Specialized Exhibition of Machinery, Equipment, Fittings, Tools and Instruments for Timber Lesdrevmash 2016 took place in Moscow. It is the major fair in RF for this sector of industry where Russian and foreign manufacturers show the latest technologies of machinery, equipment, fittings, tools and instruments for the wood and finishing. LEDINEK again, had a successful presentation of its wide production program and according to the first response we can expect quite a dynamic beginning of the year 2017 in the field of wood processing industry in Russia.
A LEDINEK védjegyet négy cég képviseli: a Ledinek Engineering d.o.o., a Lestro Ledinek d.o.o., a Ledinek Maschinen und Anlagen GmbH és a Ledinek-TECH Vertriebs GmbH. Magas szintű multidiszciplináris készségekkel és tudással, szenvedélyünkkel a találmányokhoz és zseniális technikákhoz ma formáljuk a fa világát. Saját utunkon haladunk a csúcsra, hiszünk és bízunk abban, amit csinálunk. Mint szakértők a masszív fa komplex feldolgozásában, gyalulásban és profilozásban, ujjazott illesztésekben és mérnökölt faanyagokban, szembenézünk a modern életstílus kihívásaival és biztosítjuk termékeink legmodernebb technológiáját - a terméktervezéstől a szállításig és telepítésig. Sportos szellemünk alapján soha nem adjuk fel, hanem a legjobb megoldást keresünk minden egyes ügyfél számára.
Egy hosszú hagyományokkal rendelkező családi vállalkozásra építve büszkék vagyunk egyedi fafeldolgozó gépeink, teljes vonalaink és akár üzemkomplexumaink globális piaci jelenlétére minden kontinensen. A követett víziónk az, hogy ma és a jövőben is globális innovátor és trendteremtő legyünk a faiparban.