A Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG egy németországi tőzsdei vállalat, központja Gosheimben található, a Tuttlingen kerületben, és az egyik vezető marógépek gyártója. |
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Pine-Tree Groove Cutters Including New C 60 U MT dynamic as Mill/Turn Variant
Pine-Tree Groove Cutters Including New C 60 U MT dynamic as Mill/Turn Variant
Alternative energy sources are currently a hot topic and will most likely result in new solutions for potential energy savings and alternative ways to manufacture energy parts that are being developed.
Alternative energy sources are currently a hot topic and will most likely result in new solutions for potential energy savings and alternative ways to manufacture energy parts that are being developed. However, sometimes it does not require the wheel to be reinvented but simply for it to be implemented correctly.
Subsequently, Iruba Innovations GbR and Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG have joined forces, combining their current product highlights in a single manufacturing process specially designed for the power station, aviation, and machine construction industries.
Special pine-tree groove cutters - that will be showcased as a mill/turn variant for the first time at the international machine tool exhibition (EMO) - are being used on the new Hermle C 60 U MT dynamic to produce blade mounting grooves using a FanDisk with a diameter of Ø 900 mm.
The C 60 U MT dynamic offers a range of complex processing options thanks to the unique machine design that comprises a NC swiveling rotary table and a torque drive with which workpieces of up to 1.5 t are accelerated to 450 1/min, while simultaneously being pivoted by +/-130° at 15 1/min. Combined with the patented trochoidal milling process from Iruba, this solution offers completely new possibilities and, above all, has the potential to provide large savings when manufacturing FanDisks. One of the benefits is that the rotary contour of the FanDisk can be turned from the whole in a single clamping setup, while the blade mounting grooves can be mounted directly using the new milling process.
Trochoidal Milling Process
The trochoidal milling process is only completed with a defined partial wrap-around, as the milling cutter does not submerge into the full material but instead completes a program-controlled trochoidal curved movement therefore only ever touching one side of the workpiece. This process opens the groove and simultaneously provides it with the required "pine-tree geometry" using the special profiling cutter. This method, developed by Iruba GbR, particularly ensures that a very high level of process safety is achieved. Thanks to the contour parallel overmeasure, generated by the roughing cutters, as well as the adapted tool design, the pine-tree cutter that is especially designed for the finishing process achieves an excellent tool life and a very high surface quality during the synchronized and counter-run milling process.
Advantages of the "Pine-Tree Groove Cutter" from Iruba
Traditional pre-milling process no longer required Increased process safety Cost-effective alternative for clearing operations Adaptable to various materials Variety of component sizes available Technology concept at the touch of a button Turn key projects An equally sized groove can be achieved with regrinded milling cutters
The C 60 U MT dynamic After the milling variant of the C 60 U dynamic was introduced in 2010, in 2011 we are now adding the C 60 U MT dynamic to the machine series. Within the context of the internationally acclaimed high-precision and highly effective CNC 5-axes machining centers from the C-series, it goes without saying that based on the very high quality standards of Hermle and its end users in all industry sectors, the MT machine from Hermle AG does not simply represent "an upgraded by-product". This is why the technology and safety requirements that apply to lathes have all been taken into consideration during the development of the MT version of the C 60 U MT dynamic. This, for example, applies to the housing (EN 12417 applies to machine tools/machining centers, EN 12478 applies to machine tools/large lathes) as well as the dimensioning of the enclosures. The turning operations on the C 60 U MT dynamic can be completed with a pivoted table, and therefore do not only have to be completed in a horizontal position (90°), thereby offering completely new machining options, as well as increasing the flexibility of its applications. This is the reason why the upper enclosures including the roof of the machine were included in the safety concept.
Fully Integrated Rotary Technology
The well-known, modified gantry design essentially provides ideal conditions for integration of the combined swiveling axis (A-axis) with the rotary table axis (C-axis). The A-axis, which is mounted in the machine bed, guarantees extremely high rigidity, especially because the motor is located directly on the drive train of the gearwheel. Instead of a simple NC swiveling rotary table designed only to position the workpiece being located on the C-axis, a fully-functional NC rotary table that rotates at a maximum of 450 revolutions a minute is installed in the C 60 U MT dynamic. Powered perfectly at comparably high speeds, the high-performance torque motors can be used to complete challenging lathe work as well as combined lathe/milling work in the form of roughing and finishing operations. The clamping surface on the rotary table of the C 60 U MT dynamic has a diameter of 1200 mm and can hold a nominal table load of 1500 kg. The best feature that the MT Concept from Hermle AG has to offer is that lathe work on the NC swiveling rotary table cannot just be completed at a 0° and 90° angle but at any intermediate position. This enables very short turning tools to be implemented. The main spindle is locked during turning operations, and is available in the HSK-T design in sizes 63 and 100. It is important that the full scope of the milling functionality is retained.
Maximum Safety Thanks to the Integrated Balancing System
The main spindle is locked in place so that even large torques can be transferred without any problem and the exact position of the turning tool can always be reproduced. The established 5-axes concept used in the C-series also has practical advantages in the MT versions. In comparison to machines produced by its competitors, the Hermle machining center C 60 U MT dynamic has a considerably larger maximum interference contour in the traversing range of the spindle. This actually means that correspondingly larger workpieces can be processed by means of a combined turning/milling process in a single clamping setup. To prevent problems or damage occurring due to inertial torques during the turning/milling process, Hermle AG is introducing a new feature which will include a balancing system integrated into the rotary table. Thanks to this feature, very large and heavy workpieces including the workpiece clamping technology can be balanced precisely, ensuring that everything from the operational safety right through to the final rotational speed is fully guaranteed.
5-Axes Simultaneous/Complete Machining
Users do not need to get used to a new arrangement, as there are still three axes in the tool and two in the workpiece. Based on X = 1200, Y = 1300 (plus 450 mm pick-up path for the tool change) and Z equating to 900 mm long traverse paths, workpieces with a max. diameter of 1200 (round component diameter of 1400 mm) and a height of 900 mm can be processed. Thanks to the optimum axis arrangement between the X-Y-Z axes and the axes in the NC swiveling rotary table, very short tools can be used. As the dimensioning of the working area is only based on 5-axes processing and due to the free space required for pivoting the workpiece, the Y-axis appears longer than the X-axis. The tool change time is 9.5 seconds (chip-to-chip). Additionally, there are modular magazine extensions so that complex workpieces or groups of parts can be fully processed without any additional tool changeovers or upgrades.
High-Precision Base for Manufacturing Precision Parts
The C 60 U MT dynamic machining centers are designed and equipped as "hook machines" (four-point installation) and have a total weight of around 31 tons. Of that weight the single-piece machine bed, made of EN-GJS-400, alone accounts for 17 tons, thus ensuring that a highly stable base with excellent damping properties is provided. On the linear guides, size 65, 55 and 45 precision high-performance roller guideways were installed, while on the drive side strict attention was also paid to ensure the performance-related, long-term stability of the equipment. Additionally, the X-, Y-, and Z-axis feed drives are equipped with directly driven ball screw spindles with internal measuring systems, whereby the Y- and Z-axes are designed as tandem drives. With acceleration values of a = 6 m/s2 and rapid traverse speeds of V = 50 m/min in all of the axes, the dynamics of these drives is comparatively very high. When it comes to the main spindle, the customer can chose between the designs HSK-A 100 / HSK T 100 with 12,000 min-1 (56 kW main power at 356 Nm torque) or HSK-A 63 / HSK T 63 with 18,000 min-1 (35 kW main power at 215 Nm torque).
New Dimensions of Flexibility and Willingness to Perform
As previously mentioned, the modular design enables the device to be equipped with a NC swiveling rotary table with a diameter of Ø 1200 and a pallet clamping system. The NC swiveling rotary table can be pivoted by 260° (+/-130°) and can accelerate up to 450 1/min for lathe work in the C-axis. Therefore it is ideal for impeller and bevel wheel machining. The BAZ C 60 U/UP dynamic can either be supplied as a universally applicable stand-alone system or as a palletizable machine, while it can of course also be developed into a flexible manufacturing cell designed with robot and handling systems as well as workpiece storage and magazines. However, despite its size, optimum operation and loading are guaranteed as good ergonomics have always been at the forefront of the design. The cabin door has a very wide (1450 mm) opening, the top opens automatically, there is a large, two-tiered platform at the front, and the tool magazine(s) is/are loaded at the rear. These are located at ground level for ease of access for the operator. The units are also designed according to the chain principle to ensure easy service and maintenance, and can be easily connected and disconnected with plug-in connections. The ergonomic design of the control panel with a CNC control unit is in accordance with the latest technology and users' requests. The height can be adjusted by +/-100 mm and the screen tilts up to 30°. It also includes a very practical desk that can simply be pushed out of the way if it is not required.
Practical Operating and Servicing Ergonomics
In terms of CNC controls, customers can choose between the latest generation of controller manufactured by Heidenhain (TNC 635) and Siemens (S 840 D sl). Standard features include a 19" screen with TFT technology and 3D software, user-friendly soft keys and connection options for E-messenger and remote diagnostics (both optional). The standard equipment also comprises a swarf conveyor, automatic top, standard tool magazine and tool loading handling, as well as the entire housing with a magazine design and safety laminated glass. An ICS system, touch probe, tool fault monitor, oil mist extractor and the previously mentioned automation equipment can be added as optional extras.
Advantages of the MT Concept from Hermle:
Milling operations: Five-side machining and up to five-axes simultaneous machining Turning operations: Horizontal/vertical turning with up to five-axes simultaneous machining Safety of the complete machining process Maximum safety thanks to the integrated balancing system Safety enclosure corresponds to the safety guidelines for machining centers (EN 12417) and for large lathes (EN 12478)
Bestseller! Hermle in the specialist press.
Bestseller! Hermle in the specialist press.
The compact RS 05 robot system is now available for three machine models and boasts three storage units as well as the Hermle Automation-Control-System (HACS) 13/09/2016
The compact RS 05 robot system is now available for three machine models and boasts three storage units as well as the Hermle Automation-Control-System (HACS) 13/09/2016
The RS 05 robot system from Hermle can be adapted to the C 12, C 22 and C 32 machining centres and is designed to supply machining centres with workpiece blanks or pallets. The RS 05 robot system helps to significantly enhance machine cycles, particularly in the fields of medical technology, precision mechanics and electrode manufacturing.
The small and compact RS 05 robot system has been developed for three different storage units in order to meet the various needs and requirements of each and every customer.
A Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG egy németországi tőzsdei vállalat, központja Gosheimben található, a Tuttlingen kerületben, és az egyik vezető marógépek gyártója.
Világszerte több mint 28 000 gép működik, főként az orvostechnikai beszállítóknál, az optikai iparban, a repülésben, az autóiparban és a motorsportban.
A legfontosabb komponensek fejlesztése és gyártása Gosheimben történik. Az Hermle univerzális marógépei és megmunkáló központjai a szerszámok, formák és sorozatgyártott alkatrészek megmunkálására szolgálnak.
Az Hermle kis- és közepes méretű három-öt tengelyes marógépeket gyárt számos alkalmazási területre. A gépek elérhetők zászlórúd kiterjesztéssel és paletta cserélővel is. Emellett különféle manipulációs rendszerek is közvetlenül a gyártótól kaphatók.
Az Hermle a marásról és kiváló eredmények eléréséről szól.
Ezt egyértelműen jelzi a "marás a legjobbja" szlogen. Ez magas teljesítményű, rendkívül innovatív megmunkáló központokat jelent, amelyek vezető pozícióba emelkedtek nemzetközi és nemzeti szinten egyaránt. A szlogen a széles körű és szorosan összefonódó értékesítési és szervizhálózatot, valamint a világszerte jelenlévő szerepvállalást jelképezi.
Universal milling machines • Machining centers • CNC drilling machines; View our presentation
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C 32 megmunkáló központ
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