
A Milacron a globális éllovas a magasan mérnökölt és testreszabott rendszerek gyártásában, forgalmazásában és szolgáltatásában a 27 milliárd dolláros műanyagtechnológiai és -feldolgozási iparban. |
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 Milacron plans major expansion in Czech Republic
Milacron plans major expansion in Czech Republic
Milacron plans major expansion in Czech Republic, increasing capacity and service levels for the Uniloy, DME and TIRAD product brands
Milacron plans major expansion in Czech Republic, increasing capacity and service levels for the Uniloy, DME and TIRAD product brands
Europe – February 13, 2015 – Continuing to meet the growth of the European market, Milacron has announced major expansion plans for the Uniloy, DME and TIRAD product brands. As the company has seen upward growth as well as a change in demographics over the last 3 years, the company will be investing in multiple, state of the art, highly efficient manufacturing and distribution facilities in Šašovice and Policka, Czech Republic. These facilities will act as the key locations for these product brands offering high speed deliveries and support to customers all across Europe.
“We knew that expansion and investment in Europe was required in order to support our growing customer base” said John J. Gallagher, Chief Operating Officer Melt Delivery & Control Systems/Fluid Technologies, Financial & Shared Services. “The facilities in Czech allow us to offer more support, more flexibility and more product inventory, all at faster delivery times – services that we feel are critical in this market.”
The expansions in Šašovice, Czech Republic, all opening in April of this year, include both a 1,000 square meter expansion to the current TIRAD facility plus a brand new 3,000 square meter distribution center. The investment totals more than €5 Million Euros.
The capacity increase provides major fire power to both DME and TIRAD, optimizing service levels and furthering the focus on TIRAD’s high precision, non-standard mold bases.
In addition to the above, new construction is also taking place in Policka, Czech Republic, creating another home for the Uniloy blow molding machine systems. Ron Krisanda, Chief Operating Officer & President, Advanced Plastic Processing Technologies states, “The new facility in Policka, not only provides us with the flexibility and room to manufacture our complete range of Blow Molding machinery technologies, it also represents a major step forward in our plans to become a global supplier of blow molding machinery systems. As it is, we tend to be regionally oriented in our approach to the market and are not taking full advantage of the technologies, foot print and best practices of Milacron."
Krisanda describes the new Policka plant as a world class facility in the blow molding industry. The sparkling new facility will open this month and will feature over 11,000 square meters allowing for future expansion. . The new Lean Manufacturing facility represents an investment of over €11 Million Euros.
The focus on coordinating European expansions and manufacturing changes supports the overall Milacron growth strategy in Europe, solidifying and ensuring service levels across the region. These expansions are powerful statements about Milacron’s ongoing commitment to being a leader in Blow Molding Machinery and Mold Technologies.
Customers can see all of Milacron’s product brands united under one roof at the upcoming NPE show in the largest booth space in NPE history, located in the West Hall, booth #W2703, March 23-27. About Milacron
Milacron LLC and its businesses are committed to being the leading suppliers of plastics-processing technologies and industrial fluids around the world. The people of Milacron’s companies know what matters in manufacturing, and every day, put this know how to work to help customers improve productivity, cut costs, increase energy efficiency, eliminate scrap and reduce cycle times.
A Milacron a globális éllovas a magasan mérnökölt és testreszabott rendszerek gyártásában, forgalmazásában és szolgáltatásában a 27 milliárd dolláros műanyagtechnológiai és -feldolgozási iparban. A Milacron egy teljes folyamat- és életcikluspartner.Hosszú élettartamra tervezett gépeink páratlan teljesítményt nyújtanak. Technológiáink és szolgáltatásaink segítenek meghosszabbítani és maximalizálni a berendezéseid élettartamát és értékét. Több mint gyártó, mi olyan partner vagyunk, aki lehetőségeket kínál. A fenntarthatóság és a környezettudatosság szem előtt tartásával együttműködünk ügyfeleinkkel, hogy segítsünk nekik a feldolgozási programokban. A fröccsöntő gépektől a fejlett Ipari Internet of Things (IIoT) platformokig, azon dolgozunk, hogy optimalizáljuk ügyfeleink folyamatait, hogy segítsünk nekik maximalizálni a termelést.
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