Schmalz Group Advances Expansion with New Location in Slovenia
Schmalz Group Advances Expansion with New Location in Slovenia
The Schmalz Group continues to extend its global presence with the establishment of its 30th location in Slovenia, focusing on enhancing customer proximity and facilitating direct exchange for effective task resolution.
The Schmalz Group continues to extend its global presence with the establishment of its 30th location in Slovenia, focusing on enhancing customer proximity and facilitating direct exchange for effective task resolution. The new branch in Vrhnika, named Schmalz d.o.o., aims to counsel and aid the Southeast European market, emphasizing the company’s commitment to its growth objectives and customer service efficiency.
Strategic Positioning:
Headed by Managing Director Bostjan Fortuna, a seasoned field sales representative with substantial experience in sales, the new branch is strategically positioned to cater to customers from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Northern Macedonia. The new addition signifies the company's ambition to be closer to its customers in Southeastern Europe, enabling quicker and more effective consultations on handling issues.
Enhanced Portfolio:
Schmalz d.o.o. provides a comprehensive array of products from the Schmalz portfolio, encompassing components for vacuum automation and manual handling systems. These products are recognized for their revolutionary impact on vacuum technology, elevating automation and handling processes by relieving employees of strenuous physical work and optimizing automated processes smartly, efficiently, and sustainably.
Forward-looking Approach:
The establishment of the Slovenian branch is reflective of Schmalz’s commitment to progressive and intelligent solutions designed to increase the flexibility and efficiency of production and logistics processes, aligning them with the ongoing digitalization trends. Dr. Kurt Schmalz, Managing Director of J. Schmalz GmbH, underscored the significance of this expansion, stating it marks an imperative stride towards achieving the company’s growth targets.
Global Presence:
Schmalz maintains a robust global presence, with around 1,800 employees spread across 30 locations worldwide, reinforcing its commitment to innovation and customer service. The company's products and solutions are available in approximately 70 countries through its own locations and trading partners, emphasizing its widespread influence in the market.
Growth in CEE
The Schmalz Group's expansion into Slovenia exemplifies its strategic approach to global development, aiming to consolidate its presence in pivotal markets and optimize customer service. With its diverse product portfolio and focus on innovative solutions, Schmalz is poised to play a substantial role in shaping the future of vacuum technology and automation, fostering enhanced productivity and sustainable practices in the industry.
A Schmalz termékeivel fokozza az automatizált folyamatait és megkönnyíti dolgozói nehéz fizikai munkáját: okos, hatékony és fenntartható minden tekintetben.
Okos megoldások mindenféle alkalmazásra
Termékeinket logisztikában, valamint az autóiparban, az elektronikai szektorban vagy a bútorgyártásban is alkalmazzák. A Vákuum Automatizálás üzleti egység széles skálája magában foglalja az egyes komponenseket, mint például a szívópadokat vagy a váku-umgenerátorokat, a teljes markolórendszereket és a munkadarabok rögzítésére szolgáló megfogó megoldásokat. A Kezelés üzleti egységében innovatív kezelési megoldásokat kí-nálunk az ipar és a kereskedelem számára vákuumemelőkkel és darurendszerekkel. Az En-ergia Tárolás üzleti területén egy másik fő területet építünk ki a stacionárius energiatároló rendszerek terén.
Mint harmadik generációs családi vállalkozás fenntarthatóan gondolkodunk és cselekszünk: gazdaságilag sikeresen, összhangban a környezettel és társadalmilag elkötelezetten.