Trumpf Huettinger to Add 1,000 Jobs in Polish Plants by 2024: New Hires Across Production, IT, and R&D Roles
Trumpf Huettinger to Add 1,000 Jobs in Polish Plants by 2024: New Hires Across Production, IT, and R&D Roles
Trumpf Huettinger, a German firm specializing in industrial machinery production, intends to boost its workforce by 1,000 individuals in its Polish facilities by June 2024.
Trumpf Huettinger, a German firm specializing in industrial machinery production, intends to boost its workforce by 1,000 individuals in its Polish facilities by June 2024. The company is currently witnessing a swift surge in hiring, with plans to recruit 600 new employees across various disciplines by the end of the current year. These disciplines include production, IT, and research and development.
Additionally, Trumpf Huettinger has plans to inaugurate another production facility in Białołęka.
The firm's products, which offer process energy for high-tech industries, empower companies globally - like those in sectors of smartphones, TVs, automobiles, photovoltaics, and architectural glass - to fabricate and refine their goods.
Trumpf Huettinger maintains operations in three sites within the Warsaw metropolitan area in Poland and currently has over 1,400 people on its payroll, including approximately 400 engineers.

TecDay for machine and systems engineering
TecDay for machine and systems engineering
TecDay for machine and systems engineering on February 12, 2020 at TRUMPF in Ditzingen
Are you looking for new trends in machine and systems engineering that will make your everyday work easier?
Then visit our interactive Technology Day in Ditzingen on February 12, 2020. In addition to live demonstrations of machines, lasers and sensor systems at work, you can expect a concentrated load of expert knowledge on site and support in the development of customer-specific solutions that will make your engineering heart beat faster.
Be our guest and also visit us at the evening event on February 12, 2020 – the perfect platform for networking and getting together with other machine and systems engineers as well as your customers from the automotive industry.
You will find the agenda and further details on the program under the program section.
Have you not yet been to Ditzingen or do you need a hotel room for the conference? You will find more information under the travel & hotel information section.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Ditzingen!
"A TRUMPF Csoport a világ vezető vállalatai közé tartozik a termelési technológia területén. A TRUMPF innovációi új irányvonalakat határoznak meg - a lemez- és anyagfeldolgozáshoz használt gépek és szerszámok területétől kezdve a lézertechnikán, az elektronikán és az orvostechnikán át. Új technikai szabványokat állítanak fel, és új és hatékonyabb lehetőségeket nyitnak meg a felhasználók számára.
A TRUMPF jellegzetessége az új eljárások és erőteljes gépek fejlesztése, a technikai koncepciók gyors átültetése felhasználó-orientált innovációkká, a magas minőségi szabványok és a megbízható ügyfélszolgálat.
A gépészeti és lézeres gyártó TRUMPF vállalat újra bővíti központját Ditzingenben. A központ alapterülete egyharmaddal növekedik. A technológiai vállalat új gépészeti fejlesztési központot épít és bővíti a meglévő lézergyárat.
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