As the inventor of flexible rotating deburring,
Fladder Danmark A/S offers probably the best deburring machines on the market.
Employees : |
30+ |
Year established : |
1970 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
Fladder Danmark A/S was established by Hansen & Hundebøl who in the 1970's started a development centre designing unique methods and finishing machines for the wood and metal industry.
Today FLADDER® is a known and acknowledged trade mark of high quality.
The target is designing, producing and marketing efficient machines and tools able to meet specific work processes in an effektive and reliable way.
| Brush deburring machine Brush deburring machine |
| Deburring machine for sheet metal Deburring machine for sheet metal |
| Finishing machine Finishing machine |
| FLADDER® 200/GYRO Your best machine solution for deburring, edge rounding, surface finish, sanding and denibbing. | |
Fladder® for the Metal Industry details
Download Fladder® for the Metal Industry details (.pdf) »