STUDER - The Art of Grinding. We are one of the market and technology leaders in universal, external and internal cylindrical grinding as well as non circular grinding. |
Employees : |
80+ |
Year established : |
1912 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
All in one line, all in flow – STUDER with new Flow-Assembly
All in one line, all in flow – STUDER with new Flow-Assembly
Fritz Studer AG commissioned a new Flow-Assembly+ on 15th October 2015 at its Thun location.
Fritz Studer AG commissioned a new Flow-Assembly+ on 15th October 2015 at its Thun location. This step is the logical result of the continuous development and improvement of all company processes, which STUDER systematically undertakes. Since 2008 this has been assisted by the PuLs® efficiency program, which is the corporate philosophy and therefore relevant for all areas. The program comprises an extensive tool kit, which is now used to constantly streamline all processes and operations in the company and make them more efficient.
STUDER - The Art of Grinding. We are one of the market and technology leaders in universal, external and internal cylindrical grinding as well as non-circular grinding.
Know-how and capabilities
The name STUDER stands for hardware, software, system integration and Swiss quality service. With a customized complete solution for each grinding task, the customer also receives our knowledge and know-how about the grinding process. The STUDER logo has been a seal of quality for first-class results for decades. We ensure that The Art of Grinding remains closely linked to our name in the future. STUDER has 110 years of experience in the development and manufacture of precision cylindrical grinding machines.
| CNC grinding machine |
| Internal grinding machine |
| Internal-external grinding machine |
| Production grinding machine | |