HR Partner for Machine Knives and Specialist for Circular and Long Knives |
Employees : |
10+ |
Year established : |
1891 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
We master our craft. For four generations. Using the most modern techniques and a team of highly qualified specialists, we manufacture machine knives for industry and crafts. Our manufacturing facility extends over 800 sqm of operating area. It has a mechanical workshop, a tooling, and a contract grinding shop. Whether you want new knives in large quantities, need a custom-made product, or just need to get your knives back to sharpness: you are in the right place with our master workshop. And if you have a completely different knife-specific concern: Get in touch with us. We do (almost) everything around knives and love what we do.
| Circular knives |
| Machine knives |
| PVD coating services |
| Special tools | |