Manufacture of precision parts for the automobile industry • electrical and building services engineering • industrial applications and medical technology |
Employees : |
400 |
Year established : |
1919 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
The Leipold Group
The Leipold Group is an international group of metalworking companies for the manufacture of precision parts for the automobile industry, electrical and building services engineering, industrial applications and medical technology. With approximately 650 employees at six sites in , , and the , it is one of the biggest groups in its field.
The parent plant that the Leipold Group grew from has existed since 1919, as a family business.
Our services are aimed at helping our customers to become top companies, or allowing them to remain at the top. To achieve this, we use the Leipold TOP Business System.
The LEIPOLD-TOP Business System
This encapsulates the Leipold Group management’s philosophy. Leipold TOP was developed to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction possible. TOP stands for Team, Organisation and Productivity. The system uses customer requirements as benchmarks, and strives for continuous improvement on Quality, Delivery Reliability and Costs.
The Leipold Group sees this as the best means of remaining competitive on the international market in the long term. Quality, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, avoiding delays and teamwork are our highest priority.
The Leipold TOP role model is the ‘Kai Zen’ management method developed in Japanese companies like Toyota, meaning, more or less, “constant improvement”.
| CNC turned parts CNC turned parts |
| Coaxial connectors Coaxial connectors |
| screw machine parts Automatic screw machine parts | |