Leading supplier for all kind of secondhand/used metalworking machine tools and production lines |
Year established : |
1922 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
The company is buying and selling individual machines, production lines and complete factory inventory for the metal cutting and metal forming industry.
On an area of more than 10000 sqm with crane capacity up to 70 tons customers from all over the world are finding one of the biggest warehouses for used machines in Europe. From the simple lathe to the biggest CNC plano milling machine we are able to demonstrate the majority of our machines to the interested customer under power. The modification, overhauling and control retrofits are part of the services offered.
Latest communication means and access to specific online records enable our highly qualified team of employees to react flexible and quickly to the requirements of our customers. Only in the year 2005 we have supplied different machinetools with a total weight of more than 3500 tons to customers in 25 countries on all continents.
| Drilling tools |
| Milling | |