Reko Automation is an experienced systems integrator and supplier of automation solutions to manufacturers across North America. |
Employees : |
500 |
Year established : |
1976 |
Business : |
Manufacturer and distributor |
Strengthening Communities by Advancing Manufacturing
Reko International Group Inc. (TSX-V:REK) is a diversified, technology-driven manufacturing organization located in Southwestern Ontario, just minutes from the U.S. border. Our areas of expertise include robotic factory automation solutions, the precision machining of large, critical parts, and plastic injection and low compression acoustic tooling. Our family-oriented culture embraces past experience, fosters innovation, and always ensures the highest standard of quality. At Reko, we believe in strengthening communities by advancing manufacturing.
Reko Automation is an experienced systems integrator and supplier of automation solutions to manufacturers across North America. We are able to provide cost effective solutions to a variety of manufacturing challenges including quality, productivity, and safety.. We’ve helped companies in the automotive industry, the aerospace industry, the medical device industry and the food preparation and packaging industry. Our equipment performs reliably for activities such as plastic punch and weld, leak testing, assembly, sorting, packaging and even multi-sided box printing. Whether your experience with robots and automation is vast or limited, we can help you solve your production headaches!
| CNC electrical discharge machining (EDM) center CNC electrical discharge machining (EDM) center
Clearance under spindle 52 inches
Tank Volume 2,000 gallons
Tank Depth 36 inches
Tank Width 57 inches
Tank Length 220 inches |
| High speed 3-axis CNC vertical machining center High speed 3-axis CNC vertical machining center
Like the larger MEDVE TM series, the ROKA's spindle moves around the work piece at speeds of up to 800 inches per minute with a spindle speed of 3000 rpm. Other similar types of vertical gantry milling centers will offer maximum load ratings on their table, but with the ROKA, 30,000 plus lbs. can easily be accomodated. Cast iron construction for rigidity and finite element analyzed for optimum casting performance. | |