SMS Meer designs and builds plants for the pipe, steel, NF metal and forging industry |
Employees : |
100+ |
Year established : |
1872 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
Efficient solutions for plants, machinery, and services from one source
Our consistent customer-focused approach has always determined our corporate development. That’s why we have pooled our Business Areas SMS Siemag and SMS Meer under the common roof of the SMS group.
The name SMS group stands for tailor-made metallurgical plants, machinery, and services. Applying innovative ideas and globally uniform standards, we join forces with our customers in the steel and NF metals industries to create all-new products – with pinpoint precision.
| Seamless tube plants (hot) Most of the seamless tube facilities operated worldwide were supplied by SMS Meer under the names MEER, INNSE and Aetna Standard.
The modernisation and improvement of existing seamless tube mills are also part of our broad range of services. |
| Welded tube plants The tube welding plants are tailor-made to meet the respective requirements in the automotive sector, in the oil and gas industry and general construction.
Included in the range of products are tube welding lines for outside diameters from 3/4" to 3 1/2" in the case of the smallest welding line and from 8" to 24" in the case of the largest welding line with the corresponding square dimensions up to a maximum of 500 x 500 x 19 mm.
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Tube, long product and forging technology at a glance
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