With the "K" series conservation system for baked products temperature ranges can be adjusted from -10°C to -40°C. The most difficult baked and confectionery products can be easily stored and conserved thanks to the high relative humidity and a low air speed. Here you can produce large quantities, then store them without a loss in quality and take them out when needed. The housing is made of stainless steel and insulated at 120 mm all around. The highly efficient units can be operated at ambient temperatures up to 43°C.
Rack Ovens
Advanced rack oven with the soul of a deck oven. The patented unique R-EVOLUTION ceramic rack oven is a specialist for comprehensive bakery product diversity and highest demands on quality. It stands for reliable baking in the true and tried tradition of our fathers in craft stone baking ovens, but with more efficient work at the oven, easy handling, high productivity and a smarter control.