The Wiest AG is one of the leading providers of products and strategies for an extremely accurate calibration of robots and robot cells • Robot measurement systems • Robot calibrations
Year established : |
1996 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
Our headquarters are in Augsburg. Situated in the heart of Southern Germany, the Wiest AG is to be found in the centre of the German automotive industry.
Whether cars, aeroplanes or medical technology, our customers are of all branches and are offered solutions to all requirements concerning the measurement and calibration of industrial robots.
The Wiest AG develops individual solutions that accompany our customers through the complete manufacturing process - from the initial operation of the robot cell to the production and maintenance.
The vision “At the beginning, there was my vision: I wanted to create a compact solution that measures everything directly inside the production cell!” Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Math. Ulrich Wiest, manager The founder
Dr. Ulrich Wiest is from the branch and he knows the problem from practice: Since 1996, he has worked as a developer in the field of robot calibration and has played an important role in the development of “robots with absolute accuracy” as well as of the “measuring robot” designed for the company KUKA in Augsburg.
In 2001, he received a doctorate upon the “Kinematical calibration of industrial robots” at the Karlsruhe University and was awarded the “Südwestmetall-Preis zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses” (An award for the Promotion of young scientists). Since the foundation of the Wiest AG, Dr. Ulrich Wiest has developed products in the field of robot calibration and participated in the nationwide research project “iroProg – Innovative Roboterprogrammierung” (Innovative robot programming). His invention “3D Koordinatenmesssystem” (3D coordinate-measuring system) was patented in 2006.
| Calibration and Measurement with LaserLAB Do you not think that it should be possible to measure everything around the robot directly inside the manufacturing cell – namely with only one handy measuring system? This is possible! Thanks to the LaserLAB conceived by WIEST you have a solution for all measurements! | |
Datasheet LaserLAB
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