KAPP NILES is a globally operating group of companies with high-quality and economical solutions for finishing gears and profiles. |
Year established : |
1953 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
KAPP NILES is a globally operating group of companies with high-quality and economical solutions for finishing gears and profiles. More than 1,000 employees represent the innovative strength and expertise of the sustainably managed family company which has grown for over 120 years.
With production sites in Germany as well as worldwide sales and service branches, we are responsive and reliable in all major markets.
KAPP NILES is partner for companies from numerous industrial sectors in our segments mobility, automation and energy.
The perfect interaction between machine, tool and technology enables the precise machining to a thousandth millimetre and up to a diameter of eight metres.
Each system solution is individually optimised for customer requirements and serviced by us throughout its life cycle. Highly accurate measuring equipment complements the comprehensive product range to ensure the required quality.
KAPP NILES supports efficient and stable processes with innovative services and digital solutions.
| Gear centre Based on different tool and process technologies, user-specific, optimal production solutions can be configured.
The tool spindle with counterbearing can hold dressable and non-dressable grinding worms or profile grinding wheels. Due to the use of auxiliary spindles small grinding wheels up to a minimum diameter of 25 mm can be used. |
| Gear profile grinding machine The profile grinding machine KNG 3P ready offers an inexpensive entry into precision machining. It has been designed as a solution for flexible production of small and medium lot sizes. | |