Hammelmann has been the market-leading supplier of high-pressure pumps and technical systems for high-pressure applications for over 75 years. |
Employees : |
270 |
Year established : |
1959 |
Business : |
Manufacturer |
Founded in 1949, Hammelmann has established itself as a leading supplier in the market for over 75 years, specializing in robust high-pressure pumps and technical systems for various industrial applications. The company's primary focus is on creating customized solutions that leverage high-pressure water across diverse applications and industries. Hammelmann's systems are widely used in corrosion protection, concrete surface preparation, and water jet cutting. Another significant area of their expertise lies in process pumps, designed for integrated use in a variety of unique and specialized applications. As a medium-sized enterprise, Hammelmann prides itself on its ability to produce "tailormade high-pressure systems" with the necessary flexibility and precision. Hammelmann's products have a global presence, used in every industry. The company's main office in Oelde, North Rhine-Westphalia, employs over 380 staff members. Additionally, Hammelmann has expanded its global reach with several subsidiaries in the USA, Australia, Spain, China, France, Switzerland, and maintains a network of 40 other agencies, ensuring close customer relations and worldwide service.
| Process Pumps Transport, Feed, Hydraulic |
| Water jet technology Hammelmann high pressure pumps are built to operate at the continuous maximum duty stated in the performance parameters. Operating pressure and flow rate determine the power and pump selection. We can offer a large number of combinations to meet specific requirements. | |
High pressure pumps
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