As Italian-based firm we become the largest producer in the world today of automated systems for the fabrication of structural steel and an outstanding producer of equipment for the forging industry. Machinery and systems for the high quality processing of metal profiles and Machinery for Metalworking
STENHØJ companies are active in manufacturing, distribution and service within the automotive aftermarket.
AIDA is a global leader in the design, manufacture, sale, service and support, refurbishment and modernization of metal stamping presses and metalforming automation equipment.
Supplying machinery for Metalforming, Material Handling, Waste Management, Clay Preparation, Concrete Working and Special Purpose applications.
Schuler - Your Partner for Metalforming Schuler is the technological and global market leader in metalforming and supplies the process know-how for the entire metal-working industry.
M. BRÜCK GmbH & Co. KG, the leading manufacturer of perforating presses, expanded metal machines and special presses for the fitting industry.
CNC-presses • Double-sided presses • ccentric presses •
Mechanical presses • Sheet metal profile rolling machines • spinning and flow forming machines •
Specialized presses • Spinning and planishing machines • Toggle lever presses