Supplying machinery for Metalforming, Material Handling, Waste Management, Clay Preparation, Concrete Working and Special Purpose applications.
Enomoto company, established in 1915, is well known internationally as major screw press company with best references of leading Japanese car manufacturers.
BRUDERER is renowned the world over as a pacesetter in high-quality punching technology.
Producer of mechanical presses.
Mechanical and hydraulic presses and tools for metal sheet forming, pressure moulding and forging.
Your expert in automation technology.
Schuler - Your Partner for Metalforming Schuler is the technological and global market leader in metalforming and supplies the process know-how for the entire metal-working industry.
ROSS in the Container Glass Industry.
M. BRÜCK GmbH & Co. KG, the leading manufacturer of perforating presses, expanded metal machines and special presses for the fitting industry.
French manufacturer of industrial presses.