Supply of second hand woodworking machines and engineering for complete processing lines (panel processing for furniture industry).
We are the world's leading producer of Lengthwise Slicers for the production of veneer and lamella (slats) which are originally MARUNAKA's development based on our 'Super Surfacer Technology'.
ITALPRESSE is today the largest Italian manufacturer of presses for the woodworking industry and among the first in the world, both in sales volume and the number of presses delivered.
Robert Bürkle GmbH is one of the world's leading manufacturers of presses and coating technologies.
Hymmen offers technologies for excellent surfaces and wood products. We specialize in customer-specific production technology for large-scale industrial production of flooring, furniture, decorative and technical laminates, doors and gates, building materials and engineered wood.
Machine- and Plant- Manufacturer of Press Systems for upgrading of wood based panels.
Since 1961 the company Renzo Borgonovo Srl engineers and produces machinery for the finishing of wood and pvc frames, linear profiles, parquet, doors and panels.