As a leader in the field of automation and machining technology, Fill is an ideas factory for individual complete solutions in the areas of PLASTIC, METAL and WOOD PROCESSING.
Saws and Knives for the wood-processing industries
Today, AKE is one of the leading global manufacturer for circular saw blades and milling tools
Circular saw blades, knives and other tools for industries with excellent quality since 1896.
Super Thin Saws, Inc. Super-thin integral flange saw blades, tenoner tooling & specialty cutoff saws for the woodworking industry, including ripsaw blades.
AMADA MACHINE TOOLS CO.,LTD. provides a full line of products specializing in cutting and machining metal blocks and forming metal sheets and including metal cutting machines, grinding machines and stamping presses.
Machines for Craftsmen and Industry Metal- and Sheet Metal Work.
BLADES BORN & BRED IN SWEDEN For metals, wood and food
KARA circular sawmills and other sawmill machines. one-blade circular sawmills
LEUCO is an international company group manufacturing precision tools for the woodworking industry.