Blum-Novotest is recognized as a developer of leading-edge measurement and testing technology
With more than 33 years of experience, the microtap GmbH is specialized in process-safe and quality-controlled threading.
Machines and systems for water base detergents and hydrocarbons • Machine and systems for non destructive controls by penetrant liquids • Chemical Specialties
Specialized in the development, production and sales of precision measuring instruments and systems.
Laser welding machines • Lathe chucks • hand operated • Lathe chucks • hydraulically operated • Lathe chucks • pneumatically operated • Machines and apparatus for non-destructive testing • Measuring and marking machines • Spring testing machines
As a professional in the field of materials testing, TESTING manufactures bending testing machines, compression
testing machines, tensile testing machines, universal testing machines, and other testing devices for almost all
building materials.
Meddings Machine Tools a division of Meddings Thermalec Ltd, have over 60 years experience of designing and manufacturing drilling and tapping machines of all models and sizes.