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Firma : FlexLink Systems
Increasing the level of automation in optical labs
About 20 years ago, optical labs as we know them today were revolutionized. Optical labs started to look at automation of optical job tray handling and advancing machine capabilities
About 20 years ago, optical labs as we know them today were revolutionized. Optical labs started to look at automation of optical job tray handling and advancing machine capabilities. Today, optical labs again must adapt to new market requirements. As eCommerce has become the leading business model for optical companies, speed, efficiency, and information are requested more than ever to increase the efficiency of lab processes. In the early 2000s, small sections of conveyor systems were added to optical labs to move optical job trays from one process to another. An article in Optometric Management from January 8, 2003, describes the situation very well. The report suggested that if a lab sold three pairs of glasses daily, five days per week, they needed a finishing lab. Images of optical labs from the past didn’t reveal too many conveyors in optical labs. The benefits and efficiency improvements were enough to expand conveyors and optical job tray handling solutions throughout the entire lab. Over the years, as machines progressed, conveyors became an integral part of the overall lab flow and functionality. Solutions evolved to save space with elevators and spirals, tray stacking and de-stacking were created, software was added to intelligent route trays to the correct process or machine, and, eventually, conveyors were a part of the lab as the equipment processing the lenses. The days of manual carrying stacks of trays or placing stacks on carts were in the past, and the focus with people was on making eyeglasses. Meet the modern optical lab Fast forward to today and think about the future. There is still much to consider when planning for optical tray handling and other automation efficiencies. Manufacturers in optical and many other industries face labor shortages and competitive pressure to lower the costs of products. Some optical companies are also changing their delivery models from ship to the store to ship to the end customer. Speed, efficiency, and information are requested more today than ever before. Optical labs want to collect data (OEE – Overall Equipment Efficiency) for their equipment to fine-tune their processes and complete more production. Great strides have been made with robotics and software to help advance labs into the future. Robotics and software revolutionized optical labs Robots could be helpful for loading and unloading machines, picking and placing lens blanks and frames, sorting, and buffering job trays, and, in the optical job tray and performing other manual tasks. Is it possible for a robot to complete the assembly process (lens to frames)? Automatically de-boxing lenses are near a viable solution. Automating the storage and retrieval of lens blanks and frames is available, eliminating the manual handling and potential for errors – including contact lenses. The next generation of modular plug-n-play conveyors is available for fast setup, changes, and adding machines. eCommerce solutions are available to sort, consolidate and package orders for shipments. Technological advancements and the people who think ahead to what would make eyeglass manufacturing better have driven solutions and growth in automation since back then. Machine suppliers advance, automation suppliers advance, and companies advance. All it takes is for lab people to keep asking for more solutions and suppliers to keep innovating to make those required solutions. FlexLink launches enhanced partner program
Rapidly growing the ecosystem all around the world.
FlexLink, the industry leader for automated production flow solutions, unveiled a new partnership program called “FlexLink Connects”. This strategic initiative is specifically designed for system builders and integrators from all around the world. Authorized partners of FlexLink can rely on solutions based on original conveyor components and fast-delivered conveyor systems. FlexLink enables them to deliver turnkey solutions, from small installations to full sites with proven and standardized equipment. The program is completed by service, training, and support offers. FlexLink Connects includes significant benefits in sales, marketing, and service activities for connected companies. It will also strengthen the FlexLink community, by sharing best practices and connecting globally. Selected Authorized Partners are already represented with their company profile and projects on the new microsite. In most cases, the existing Authorized Partners have a long-lasting and successful relationship with FlexLink. Very often, they are local or segment specialists in automation, product handling, and system integration. The partnership is based on a set of criteria, including product and domain knowledge, long-term relationships, and trustful cooperation. FlexLink Partners need to share the same business philosophy and have a common interest in joint planning and business growth. “Openness and collaboration belong to the corporate culture at FlexLink. The company’s success is based on a business model with a global network of partners, who are all mutually committed to creating value for their end customers. In addition to all the benefits of working closely with FlexLink, our Partner Program members gain access to an exciting community of like-minded solution providers helping brand owners to find the best production flow solutions. We globally see the need to join forces and entering our ecosystem is a win-win situation. Together we can guarantee the production efficiency of our customers - and the success of our businesses - through a valuable offering of solutions and services and a powerful partner network.” Andrea Sambuy, Partner Program Leader at FlexLink. The New RI20 Palletizer Simplifies Complex Processes
The new semi-open palletizing cell with an industrial robot arm simplifies the complex processes of a traditional palletizer. The easy-to-use unit can be up-and-running in just a few hours and its advanced safety system and two loading docks permit a capacity increase of up to 5%.
The new semi-open palletizing cell with an industrial robot arm simplifies the complex processes of a traditional palletizer. The easy-to-use unit can be up-and-running in just a few hours and its advanced safety system and two loading docks permit a capacity increase of up to 5%. The RI20 palletizer is suitable for palletizing closed boxes within fast-moving consumer goods industries. The unit includes enhanced safety features that allow a safe coexistence between the robot and operators on the production floor. The presence of operators in the safety area dynamically adjusts the speed of the robot instead of stopping it, reducing unnecessary downtime. Also, two pallet loading docks create a seamless pallet exchange that allows them to be filled in succession and increase capacity by up to 5%. The compact design of the unit saves up to 40% floor space compared to heavy robot palletizers. The mainframe does not have to be attached to the floor and the RI20 can easily be moved using a forklift. The palletizing unit can be relocated in just a few hours, 50% quicker than alternative solutions, and can be used in multiple lines during the day. The RI20 has an intuitive, web-based pallet pattern manager and does not require robot programming. It takes less than 10 minutes to set up a new recipe, or just a few clicks to load an existing design. The RI20 is available with several options: a rigid interlayer module, the Robot Config software (pallet pattern manager), a portable tablet, the remote assistance package, preventive info package, and data collection package. Robot arm: KUKA KR20 R1810 Cybertech or FANUC M-20iA/35M Gripper: Suction cups, single or double pick Payload: Up to 15kg Capacity: Up to 12 cycles/min Pallet height: Up to 2.2 m for EUR pallets and 2.0 m for INDU and US pallets. Product: Closed box (W × L x H) from 140 × 200 × 110 mm to 480 × 600 × 480 mm Footprint: 3.9 m × 4.1 m including infeed New compact and intelligent conveyors from FlexLink
Demands on production efficiency and automation are continuously increasing in all industries. FlexLink are taking small products production lines to new heights with the launch of the X45 and X45e conveyor platforms.
Demands on production efficiency and automation are continuously increasing in all industries. FlexLink are taking small products production lines to new heights with the launch of the X45 and X45e conveyor platforms.
X45 is the new, compact conveyor platform which offers easy integration with machines and space efficient filling, production and packaging lines. Thanks to careful design, product handling is gentle and stable, contributing to high product quality standards and high line efficiency. The X45 design offers a long service life, low noise level and easy engineering.
“The compact boundary dimensions and the ability to run in bends allow new opportunities to automate sophisticated flows in a simpler way than before. The X45 conveyor runs very smoothly which is crucial e.g. in transporting standing vials in the pharmaceutical industry” comments Fredrik Boberg, Head of Innovation Management at FlexLink.
X45e is the intelligent platform for automated processes such as assembly, controlled filling and samples analysis. Sophisticated 24 V drive units and puck handling modules with embedded controls, simplifies controls engineering and enables high line efficiency. Power consumption is very low due to the efficient PM motor and transmission. All is RFID prepared, facilitating track & trace and automated QA capability.
“The X45e solutions with embedded controls and efficient PM motors open up new possibilities to make highly efficient production lines in an easier way than before. This is the first step in this direction from FlexLink” Launch of new modular wide belt conveyor
The new modular plastic belt conveyor system from FlexLink is the efficient solution for the transportation of large individual items and flows of smaller products.
The new modular plastic belt conveyor system from FlexLink is the efficient solution for the transportation of large individual items and flows of smaller products. Everything in the wide belt conveyor, from the smallest component to horizontal plain bends and fully functioning conveyor modules, is standardized for easy engineering, easy maintenance and trouble-free operation. The modularity in design makes assembly and modifications easy and the system can be adapted to any requirements. "This is what our customers demand – a standardized, modular plastic belt conveyor that is quiet, sturdy, safe and with high reliability," says Göran Abbestam, Product Manager at FlexLink for aluminum and pallet conveyors. "Our assortment is allowing us to be a ‘one-stop-supplier’ who also can guarantee spare parts and after sales service in over 60 countries." Safety and more "FlexLink’s new conveyor system meets the highest standards in reliability and safety – we have looked into every detail with regards to operator safety and working environment." adds Göran Abbestam. "We have worked hard to eliminate potential pinch points and obtain a very low noise level. The flat, smooth belt surface minimizes the risk of scratches and the sturdy guide rails prevent items from falling off, allowing for the safe handling of sensitive products." Capacity and flexibility throughout The conveyor is available as components, modules or a complete system. The three widths, 322, 424 and 626 mm make it suited for handling cartons, bundles, bags and other large individual items that require the stable support of a wide chain. Equally important, it allows large flows of smaller products. The vertical bends and a length up to 15 m allows efficient and simple layouts in three dimensions without additional elevators in constant flow. With a maximum conveyor speed of 40 m/min, the capacity is setting new standards for modular belt conveyors. "Our customers are very pleased with our new wide modular belt conveyor system," concludes Göran Abbestam. "We have reached 100% modularity and new capacity levels with regards to the conveyor speed. Last but not least, the design solution opens the door for future developments." New palletizing solution
FlexLink’s collaborative robot solution gets positive response at PPMA Total Show 2016.
Over a busy three days, FlexLink carried out live demonstrations, showing the ease at which manufacturers can install and manage their own programs for end-of-line palletizing with set up time being as little as 20 minutes. From food to beauty product manufacturers, FlexLink spoke with a large range of businesses about the opportunities the robot solution presents for high-end factory automation in terms of flexibility, time of reallocation and the cell’s small footprint.
Andy Howson, Sales Manager for FlexLink Systems Ltd comments, “We received a really positive response at the show, illustrating where manufacturing in the UK is potentially heading, with operators working more closely alongside robots. It’s exciting to see this product innovation and the opportunities it could present for factory automation.” Clean production In addition to factory automation, the topic of clean production processes within the food industry is also high on the agenda. Designed specifically for hygienic environments, FlexLink displayed the hygienic wide belt conveyor (WLX) adhering to EHEDG guidelines and setting new standards for cleaning results in the food and personal care industries. new chain for improved stability and safety
FlexLink now introduces a new chain with reduced gaps that improves the stability for the products as well safety for the operators.
FlexLink now introduces a new chain with reduced gaps that improves the stability for the products as well safety for the operators. The chain is made in compliance with both FDA and EU regulations and is developed for our X180 (aluminum) and X180X (stainless steel) conveyor systems. It is primarily aimed for the FMCG segment but can be used anywhere reduced pinch points is favorable. Safety, stability and flexibility The new chain (XBTPX 3A180) has improved safety in line with customer feedback and requirements. It offers the same flexibility as the other chains in the X180 and X180X family and offers increased product stability. The chain in suitable for sensitive and small product handling. Cleanliness The chain works well in dry environments but is particularly suitable in conditions where it’s exposed to liquids since its material allows washing in accordance with the hygienic demands of the customers. It is therefore a good fit in applications such as FMCG, automotive and bearings. Characteristics It has all technical characteristics of other X180 and X180X chains including width, height and thickness. This means that it’s fully compatible and could easily be installed as a replacement for existing X180 and X180X conveyor platforms. S 30 lety zkušeností ve službách potřebám našich zákazníků snižují řešení produkční logistiky FlexLink dobu průchodu, práci ve výrobě a operace, které nepřidávají hodnotu. A zároveň zvyšují dodací schopnost, zajištění kvality a ziskovost továrny.
Zvýšená ziskovost výroby Náš přístup je založen na zefektivnění materiálových a informačních toků ve výrobním procesu, aby se maximalizovala hodnota procesu a minimalizovaly všechny potenciální ztráty. Řešení jsou založena na našich vedoucích dopravních systémech a řešeních manipulace s materiálem na trhu. Když pracujeme s našimi zákazníky, obvykle začínáme analýzou současného stavu, navrhujeme řešení pro zvýšení efektivity a poté poskytujeme odpovídající komponenty, systémy nebo integrovaná řešení. Špičková kvalita. A globální přítomnost pro místní servis FlexLink se vždy snaží nabízet produkty, řešení a služby nejvyšší kvality našim zákazníkům. Abychom toho dosáhli, neustále investujeme do nových technologií a řešení. A obsluhujeme zákazníky po celém světě prostřednictvím sítě prodejních a inženýrských jednotek ve 25 zemích a partnerské sítě ve více než 60 zemích. Ať jste kdekoliv, můžete si být jisti profesionálním servisem, který očekáváte.