Möllers Balicí Technologie: Kompletní Řada. Vysoká Kvalita. |
pracownicy : |
100-499 |
rok založení : |
1952 |
yp obchodu : |
Manufacturer |
Outstanding innovations with economic advances
Outstanding innovations with economic advances
Möllers Group: Measurable added value impresses visitors at interpack
Möllers Group: Measurable added value impresses visitors at interpack
Beckum, June 2017. The Möllers Group's core business is to develop perfect high-capacity machines and to integrate them into the customer's production concept. The Premium Field Service (PFS) is the measurable added value with which the German plant manufacturer of machines for filling, palletizing and wrapping creates successes - and gives the general downsizing trend in the industry a clear rejection. This strategy offers the customer, with outstanding, economic advantages, the highest possible availability, capacity, best possible quality and security. At interpack the Möllers Group confidently underscored its company slogan "We understand packaging" with Live MachinePerformance and FairTalks, offering the perfect setting.
Möllers Group has been building the Full Line. High Quality since 1952. Some of the core themes in the auditorium, where, in addition to the spearhead of the company, international customers and partners gave open answers to highly complex, concrete topics:
State of the Art: Polymer Packaging Line – The Möllers Group presented the possibilities of a universally operating system which, at the push of a button, palletizes and wraps shipping units with a pallet, with slip-sheet as well as without a pallet according to counter hood stretch technology. Intermeshing production and state-of-the-art information and communication technology - exemplified by a current large-volume order with twenty highly efficiently operating lines, Packaging 4.0 was illustrated in detail. Cyber Technical Solutions: Networking and data security for Industry 4.0-solutions. Scientific evidence: Stability of films - empirically proven by broad expertise. DOW and Möllers have entered into cooperation for the benefit of the customer with the aim of best possible load securing.
The ensuing discussion showed: Through direct dialogue the Beckum and Lübeck think tanks have their fingers on the pulse of time.
“It is vital to understand the task of the customer and to find the optimal solution jointly with him“, Dr. Gunther Voswinckel, CEO Möllers Group, describes the task. And he can draw an excellent conclusion: "These are the concrete, economic customer advantages with which we have impressed during our presentation. This passionate commitment has been rewarded with large orders and other specific inquiries, particularly in the field of palletless technology." We guarantee greatest effectiveness for the customer
At interpack, Möllers Group impressed with its equally forward-looking and clear concept of bundling the holistic approach of "Total Cost of Ownership" into tangible products. The product, Premium Field Service, makes it possible to measure effectiveness along the line, to design quality and to plan maintenance. The holistic approach of five strong pillars is supported, with the core themes of plant effectiveness, focused training, quality standards, planned maintenance and continuous improvement. “Total Cost of Ownership“ in the
focus of successful companies
Annual costs for operating a plant generally exceed the actual acquisition costs of the production plant. Therefore, the optimization of the production process is a crucial challenge for the economic success of a company.
Top technology in production, qualified personnel, perfect equipment options and optimized consumables are the prerequisites for best plant availability and attractive conversion costs en route from pure bulk materials to wrapped goods. With excellent management, the "Total Cost of Ownership" can save millions. Savings of over 60 per cent
employing palletless shipping units
Technological highlights such as the patented, flexible full-line technology - palletless, with a pallet or in the "slip sheet" version, form the robust and reliable system technology foundation for this.
"The extremely stable, self-supporting, palletless dispatch units impress with significantly lower packaging costs - up to 60 per cent savings are possible if the empty pallet is omitted," says Norbert Frenzel, Director of Sales Möllers Group. In addition, the palletless shipping unit - adapted as a two-way or four-way unit to the different transport conditions of sea, rail and truck freight - offers further, unbeatable features: a higher utilization rate in 40" containers, best storage capacity, transport stability and water tightness. Practice proves high levels of savings potential
thanks to “Total Cost of Ownership“
Highly regarded: The greatly anticipated performance "Packaging live" on the HSA Vario II with dual head and patented film-end ejection device, which in combination allows an automatic film change.
With the further development of the successful HSA machine, Möllers is able to pinpoint in practice the suitability of "Total Cost of Ownership": with highest plant efficiency, which demonstrably pays for itself through higher annual overall line availability. Economic filling processes –
even for difficult-to-process materials
On the basis of specific applications and testimonials from its customers, the company's subsidiary, GREIF VELOX, presented the range of services of its new developments for the filling and palletizing of even difficult-to-process media. The Lübeck plant- and machinery manufacturer presented vacuum technology, optimized vessel designs and intelligent solutions for the safety and cleanliness of filling processes.
Since 1952 Möllers Group has been building Full Line. High Quality. The company from Beckum, Westphalia has been making history for 65 years with its machines, systems and services for material handling, palletizing, wrapping and loading.
GREIF VELOX develops and manufactures filling and palletizing systems with optimum cleaning geometry - for building materials, food and (also toxic) chemicals. Möllers Group's subsidiary companies provide proven and forward-looking answers to the special requirements of in-part critical bulk materials, which include powdered materials, granules, liquids and pastes of various viscosities.
Více než 65 let vysokovýkonné stroje od Möllers Balicí Technologie splňují nejvyšší požadavky na komplexní systém zajištění nákladu. Tyto průkopnické inovace splňují budoucí témata bezpečného plnění, paletizace a přepravy. Náš cíl: Ekonomický úspěch pro zákazníka. Světová Strategie Výkonu Möllers Balicí Technologie sjednocuje člověka a stroj v harmonii s prostředky. Zde je možné ušetřit až 15% provozních nákladů.
| Filling units for liquid and pasty materials Plnicí jednotky pro kapalné a pastovité materiály;
Plnění kapalných a pastovitých materiálů vyžaduje vlastní technologii a mnohostranné aplikační znalosti, které mohou být uplatněny prostřednictvím společnosti Möllers a jejího týmu specialistů s mnohaletými zkušenostmi.
Rozbalovací, vyprazdňovací a depaletizační stroje. | |
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Outstanding innovations with economic advances
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